How to use the apollo-server.AuthenticationError function in apollo-server

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apollo-server examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eddeee888 / base-react-app / graphql / src / graphql / resolvers / Mutation / signup / signup.ts View on Github external
lastName: args.input.lastName,
    password: hashedPassword,
    userGroup: JSON.stringify(
        user: true

  try {
    const token = ctx.utils.jwt.sign({
    ctx.utils.headers.setTokenToResponse(ctx.res, token);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new AuthenticationError('Unable to sign token');

  // Must attach user here as viewer because at this point forward.
  // The user is logged in. This allows us to query private user details such as email
  ctx.viewer = newUser;

  return { ...newUser };
github alidcastano / druid.js / packages / app / src / context / auth.ts View on Github external
export async function getAuthUserFromReq(req: any, db: any, shouldFail = true) {
  const { authorization } = req.headers
  const noAuthorization = !authorization || authorization.indexOf('Bearer') === -1

  if (noAuthorization && shouldFail) throw new AuthenticationError('You must supply a JWT for authorization!')
  else if (noAuthorization) return null 

  // cache user via req object in case there are repeat calls to $getUser
  if (req.user) return req.user 
  const token = authorization.replace('Bearer ', '')
  const user = await getAuthUser(db.$connection, token)
  req.user = user

  return req.user
github alexitaylor / angular-graphql-nestjs-postgres-starter-kit / server / src / resolvers / users.resolver.js View on Github external
signIn: async (parent, { login, password }, { models, secret }) => {
      const user = await models.User.findByLogin(login);

      if (!user) {
        throw new UserInputError("No users found with this login credentials.");

      const isValid = await user.validatePassword(password);

      if (!isValid) {
        throw new AuthenticationError("Invalid password.");

      // Expires in 30 min
      return { token: createToken(user, secret, "1800000", models) };
github oors / oors / packages / oors-graphql / src / decorators / withUser.js View on Github external
) => resolver => async (root, args, ctx, info) => {
  const user = await getUserFromContext(ctx);

  if (!user) {
    throw new AuthenticationError('Not authenticated!');

  const isValid = await isValidUser(root, args, ctx, info);

  if (!isValid) {
    handleError(root, args, ctx, info, user);

  return resolver(root, args, ctx, info);
github alidcastano / druid.js / packages / app / src / context / auth.ts View on Github external
export async function getAuthUser(connection: any, token: any) {
  let userId
  try {
    userId = jwt.verify(token, getAppKey()).userId
  } catch (err) {
    throw new ForbiddenError('You are not authorized.')

  const user = await connection('users').where('id', userId).first()
  if (!user) throw new AuthenticationError('Encrypted user does not exist.')
  return user
github ForetagInc / fullstack-ts-boilerplate / apps / api / src / app / auth / graphql-auth.guard.ts View on Github external
handleRequest(err: any, user: any) {
    if (err || !user) {
      throw err || new AuthenticationError('GqlAuthGuard');
    return user;
github jackrobertscott / forge / packages / server / src / directives / AuthDirective.ts View on Github external
field.resolve = async function(...args) {
        const { user } = args[2];
        if (!user) {
          throw new AuthenticationError('Access denied.');
        return resolve.apply(this, args);
github Human-Connection / Human-Connection / backend / src / resolvers / user_management.js View on Github external
return record.get('user')

      if (
        currentUser &&
        (await bcrypt.compareSync(password, currentUser.password)) &&
      ) {
        delete currentUser.password
        return encode(currentUser)
      } else if (currentUser &&
      ) {
        throw new AuthenticationError('Your account has been disabled.')
      } else {
        throw new AuthenticationError('Incorrect email address or password.')
    changePassword: async (
github Human-Connection / Human-Connection / backend / src / resolvers / user_management.js View on Github external
RETURN user {.id, .email, .password}`,

      const [currentUser] = (record) {
        return record.get('user')

      if (!(await bcrypt.compareSync(oldPassword, currentUser.password))) {
        throw new AuthenticationError('Old password is not correct')

      if (await bcrypt.compareSync(newPassword, currentUser.password)) {
        throw new AuthenticationError(
          'Old password and new password should be different'
      } else {
        const newHashedPassword = await bcrypt.hashSync(newPassword, 10)
          `MATCH (user:User {email: $userEmail})
           SET user.password = $newHashedPassword
           RETURN user