How to use the apollo-boost.NetworkStatus.error function in apollo-boost

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query = async (query: QueryOptions): Promise> => {
		const gql = this.hub && this.hub.graphql;
		if (!gql) {
			Logger.debug(`Not available for query: ${query}`, GRAPHQL_COMPONENT_ID);
			return {
				data: null,
				loading: false,
				networkStatus: NetworkStatus.error,
				stale: false
			} as any;

		Logger.debug(`Request: ${JSON.stringify(query, null, 2)}`, GRAPHQL_COMPONENT_ID);
		const rsp = await gql.query(query);
		Logger.debug(`Response: ${JSON.stringify(rsp, null, 2)}`, GRAPHQL_COMPONENT_ID);
		return rsp;