How to use the apify-shared/log.warning function in apify-shared

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apify-shared examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apifytech / apify-js / src / actor.js View on Github external
export const main = (userFunc) => {
    if (!userFunc || typeof (userFunc) !== 'function') {
        throw new Error(`Apify.main() accepts a single parameter that must be a function (was '${userFunc === null ? 'null' : typeof (userFunc)}').`);

    if (!process.env[ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR] && !process.env[ENV_VARS.TOKEN]) {
        const dir = path.join(process.cwd(), './apify_storage');
        process.env[ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR] = dir;
        log.warning(`Neither ${ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR} nor ${ENV_VARS.TOKEN} environment variable is set, defaulting to ${ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR}="${dir}"`); // eslint-disable-line max-len

    // This is to enable unit tests where process.exit() is mocked and doesn't really exit the process
    // Note that mocked process.exit() might throw, so set exited flag before calling it to avoid confusion.
    let exited = false;
    const exitWithError = (err, exitCode, message) => {
        log.exception(err, message);
        exited = true;
        // console.log(`Exiting with code: ${exitCode}`);

    // Set dummy interval to ensure the process will not be killed while awaiting empty promise:
    // await new Promise(() => {})
    // Such a construct is used for testing of actor timeouts and aborts.
    const intervalId = setInterval(_.noop, 9999999);
github apifytech / apify-js / src / utils_social.js View on Github external
     * Example usage:
     * ```
     * const matches = text.match(;
     * if (matches) console.log(`${matches.length} Youtube videos found!`);
     * ```
     * @type {RegExp}
     * @memberOf social
} catch (e) {
    // Older versions of Node don't support negative lookbehind and lookahead expressions.
    // Show warning instead of failing.
    if (e && e.message && e.message.includes('Invalid group')) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
        log.warning(`Your version of Node.js (${process.version}) doesn't support the regular expression syntax used by tools. The tools will not work. Please upgrade your Node.js to the latest version.`);
    } else {
        throw e;

 * The function attempts to extract emails, phone numbers and social profile URLs from a HTML document,
 * specifically LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook profile URLs.
 * The function removes duplicates from the resulting arrays and sorts the items alphabetically.
 * The result of the function is an object with the following structure:
 * ```
 * {
 *   emails: String[],
 *   phones: String[],
github apifytech / apify-js / src / request_queue.js View on Github external

        const { queueModifiedAt, wasLimitReached, prevLimit, queryStartedAt, hadMultipleClients } = await this.queryQueueHeadPromise;

        // TODO: I feel this code below can be greatly simplified...

        // If queue is still empty then one of the following holds:
        // - the other calls waiting for this promise already consumed all the returned requests
        // - the limit was too low and contained only requests in progress
        // - the writes from other clients were not propagated yet
        // - the whole queue was processed and we are done

        // If limit was not reached in the call then there are no more requests to be returned.
        if (prevLimit >= REQUEST_QUEUE_HEAD_MAX_LIMIT) {
            log.warning(`RequestQueue: Reached the maximum number of requests in progress: ${REQUEST_QUEUE_HEAD_MAX_LIMIT}.`);
        const shouldRepeatWithHigherLimit = this.queueHeadDict.length() === 0
            && wasLimitReached
            && prevLimit < REQUEST_QUEUE_HEAD_MAX_LIMIT;

        // If ensureConsistency=true then we must ensure that either:
        // - queueModifiedAt is older than queryStartedAt by at least API_PROCESSED_REQUESTS_DELAY_MILLIS
        // - hadMultipleClients=false and this.assumedTotalCount<=this.assumedHandledCount
        const isDatabaseConsistent = queryStartedAt - queueModifiedAt >= API_PROCESSED_REQUESTS_DELAY_MILLIS;
        const isLocallyConsistent = !hadMultipleClients && this.assumedTotalCount <= this.assumedHandledCount;
        // Consistent information from one source is enough to consider request queue finished.
        const shouldRepeatForConsistency = ensureConsistency && !isDatabaseConsistent && !isLocallyConsistent;

        // If both are false then head is consistent and we may exit.
        if (!shouldRepeatWithHigherLimit && !shouldRepeatForConsistency) return true;
github apifytech / apify-js / src / request_list.js View on Github external
        // It happened to some users that state object contained something like:
        // {
        //   "nextIndex": 11308,
        //   "nextUniqueKey": "",
        //   "inProgress": {
        //      "": true,
        //      ...
        //        "": true,
        // }
        // Which then caused error "The request is not being processed (uniqueKey:"
        // As a workaround, we just remove all inProgress requests whose index >= nextIndex,
        // since they will be crawled again.
        if (deleteFromInProgress.length) {
            log.warning('RequestList\'s in-progress field is not consistent, skipping invalid in-progress entries', { deleteFromInProgress });
            _.each(deleteFromInProgress, (uniqueKey) => {
                delete state.inProgress[uniqueKey];

        this.nextIndex = state.nextIndex;
        this.inProgress = state.inProgress;

        // All in-progress requests need to be recrawled
        this.reclaimed = _.clone(this.inProgress);
github apifytech / apify-js / src / autoscaled_pool.js View on Github external
this.reject = reject;


        // This is here because if we scale down to let's say 1, then after each promise is finished
        // this._maybeRunTask() doesn't trigger another one. So if that 1 instance gets stuck it results
        // in whole actor to get stuck and even after scaling up it never triggers another promise.
        this.maybeRunTaskInterval = setInterval(() => this._maybeRunTask(), this.maybeRunIntervalMillis);

        // This interval checks memory and in each call saves current memory stats and in every
        // SCALE_UP_INTERVAL-th/SCALE_DOWN_INTERVAL-th call it may scale up/down based on memory.
        if (isAtHome()) {
            this.autoscaleInterval = setInterval(() => this._autoscale(), AUTOSCALE_INTERVAL_MILLIS);
        } else {
            log.warning('Auto-scaling is currently available only when running on Apify platform! '
                + 'Use `minConcurrency` parameter if you need to test multiple requests in parallel. '
                + 'This feature will be enabled soon.');

        return this.poolPromise
            .then(() => {
            .catch((err) => {

                throw err;
github apifytech / apify-js / src / enqueue_links.js View on Github external
export const enqueueLinks = async (...args) => {
    // TODO: Remove after v1.0.0 gets released.
    // Refactor enqueueLinks to use an options object and keep backwards compatibility
    let page, $, selector, requestQueue, pseudoUrls, userData; // eslint-disable-line
    if (args.length === 1) {
        [{ page, $, selector = 'a', requestQueue, pseudoUrls, userData = {} }] = args;
    } else {
        [page, selector = 'a', requestQueue, pseudoUrls, userData = {}] = args;
        if (logDeprecationWarning) {
            log.warning('Passing individual arguments to enqueueLinks() is deprecated. '
                + 'Use an options object: enqueueLinks({ page, selector, requestQueue, pseudoUrls, userData }) instead.');
            logDeprecationWarning = false;

    // Check for pseudoUrls as a third parameter.
    if (Array.isArray(requestQueue)) {
        const tmp = requestQueue;
        requestQueue = pseudoUrls;
        pseudoUrls = tmp;

    checkParamOrThrow(page, 'page', 'Maybe Object');
    checkParamOrThrow($, '$', 'Maybe Function');
    if (!page && !$) {
        throw new Error('One of the parameters "" or "options.$" must be provided!');
github apifytech / apify-js / src / index.js View on Github external
import PseudoUrl from './pseudo_url';
import LiveViewServer from './live_view/live_view_server';
import { requestAsBrowser } from './utils_request';
import { openSessionPool } from './session_pool/session_pool';
import { Session } from './session_pool/session';

// Increase the global limit for event emitter memory leak warnings.
EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 50;

// Log as plain text not JSON
log.logJson = false;

// TODO: remove this when we release v1.0.0
if (process.env[EMULATION_ENV_VAR]) {
    log.warning(`Environment variable "${EMULATION_ENV_VAR}" is deprecated!!! Use "${ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR}" instead!`);
    if (!process.env[ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR]) process.env[ENV_VARS.LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR] = process.env[EMULATION_ENV_VAR];

// Logging some basic system info (apify and apify-client version, NodeJS version, ...).

// Log warning if SDK is outdated.

 * The following section describes all functions and properties provided by the `apify` package,
 * except individual classes and namespaces that have their separate, detailed, documentation pages
 * accessible from the left sidebar.
 * @module Apify
github apifytech / apify-js / src / autoscaled_pool.js View on Github external
constructor(opts) {
        // TODO: remove this when we release v1.0.0
        // For backwards compatibility with opts.workerFunction.
        if (opts.workerFunction) {
            // For backwards compatiblity with opts.finishWhenEmpty and this.finish();
            if (opts.finishWhenEmpty !== undefined) {
                log.warning('AutoscaledPool: Parameter `finishWhenEmpty` is deprecated!!! Use `isFinishedFunction` instead!');
                checkParamOrThrow(opts.finishWhenEmpty, 'opts.finishWhenEmpty', 'Boolean');
                let mayFinish = false;
                opts.isFinishedFunction = () => Promise.resolve(mayFinish);
                this.finish = () => { mayFinish = true; };
            } else {
                opts.isFinishedFunction = () => Promise.resolve(true);

            log.warning('AutoscaledPool: Parameter `workerFunction` is deprecated!!! Use `runTaskFunction` instead!');
            checkParamOrThrow(opts.workerFunction, 'opts.workerFunction', 'Function');
            opts.runTaskFunction = opts.workerFunction;
            opts.isTaskReadyFunction = () => Promise.resolve(true);

        const {
github apifytech / apify-js / src / enqueue_links / click_elements.js View on Github external
export async function clickElements(page, selector) {
    const elementHandles = await page.$$(selector);
    log.debug(`enqueueLinksByClickingElements: There are ${elementHandles.length} elements to click.`);
    let clickedElementsCount = 0;
    let zIndex = STARTING_Z_INDEX;
    let shouldLogWarning = true;
    for (const handle of elementHandles) {
        try {
            await page.evaluate(updateElementCssToEnableMouseClick, handle, zIndex++);
        } catch (err) {
            if (shouldLogWarning && err.stack.includes('is detached from document')) {
                log.warning(`An element with selector ${selector} that you're trying to click has been removed from the page. `
                    + 'This was probably caused by an earlier click which triggered some JavaScript on the page that caused it to change. '
                    + 'If you\'re trying to enqueue pagination links, we suggest using the "next" button, if available and going one by one.');
                shouldLogWarning = false;
            log.debug('enqueueLinksByClickingElements: Click failed.', { stack: err.stack });
    log.debug(`enqueueLinksByClickingElements: Successfully clicked ${clickedElementsCount} elements out of ${elementHandles.length}`);
github apifytech / apify-js / src / puppeteer_utils.js View on Github external
enqueueLinks: async (...args) => {
        if (logEnqueueLinksDeprecationWarning) {
            log.warning('Using enqueueLinks() from the Apify.utils.puppeteer namespace is deprecated. '
                + 'Please use the Apify.utils.enqueueLinks().');
            logEnqueueLinksDeprecationWarning = false;
            return enqueueLinks(...args);