Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
"BOOLEAN", "ID", "INT", "FLOAT", "STRING", "EQ", "WS" ];
var ruleNames = [ "mini", "mainExpr", "expr", "function_call", "number",
"seq", "id_seq", "call_arguments", "positional_arguments",
"named_arguments", "named_argument", "array", "object" ];
function MiniParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
MiniParser.prototype = Object.create(antlr4.Parser.prototype);
MiniParser.prototype.constructor = MiniParser;
Object.defineProperty(MiniParser.prototype, "atn", {
get : function() {
return atn;
MiniParser.EOF = antlr4.Token.EOF;
MiniParser.T__0 = 1;
MiniParser.T__1 = 2;
MiniParser.T__2 = 3;
MiniParser.T__3 = 4;
MiniParser.T__4 = 5;
MiniParser.T__5 = 6;
MiniParser.T__6 = 7;
null, null, "HEX", "INT", "FLOAT", "COMPLEX", "STRING",
"ID", "USER_OP", "NL", "WS" ];
var ruleNames = [ "prog", "expr", "exprlist", "formlist", "form", "sublist",
"sub" ];
function RParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
RParser.prototype = Object.create(antlr4.Parser.prototype);
RParser.prototype.constructor = RParser;
Object.defineProperty(RParser.prototype, "atn", {
get : function() {
return atn;
RParser.EOF = antlr4.Token.EOF;
RParser.T__0 = 1;
RParser.T__1 = 2;
RParser.T__2 = 3;
RParser.T__3 = 4;
RParser.T__4 = 5;
RParser.T__5 = 6;
RParser.T__6 = 7;
function TokenWithLineFeedParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
function SkippedTokenParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
var literalNames = [ ];
var symbolicNames = [ null, "COMMENT" ];
var ruleNames = [ "start" ];
function TokenWithLineFeedParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
TokenWithLineFeedParser.prototype = Object.create(antlr4.Parser.prototype);
TokenWithLineFeedParser.prototype.constructor = TokenWithLineFeedParser;
Object.defineProperty(TokenWithLineFeedParser.prototype, "atn", {
get : function() {
return atn;
TokenWithLineFeedParser.EOF = antlr4.Token.EOF;
TokenWithLineFeedParser.COMMENT = 1;
TokenWithLineFeedParser.RULE_start = 0;
function StartContext(parser, parent, invokingState) {
if(parent===undefined) {
parent = null;
function RFilter (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
this.curlies = 0;
return this;
function LUFileParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
function SingleTokenParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
"args", "functiondef", "funcbody", "parlist", "tableconstructor",
"fieldlist", "field", "fieldsep", "operatorOr", "operatorAnd",
"operatorComparison", "operatorStrcat", "operatorAddSub",
"operatorMulDivMod", "operatorBitwise", "operatorUnary",
"operatorPower", "number", "string" ];
function LuaParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
LuaParser.prototype = Object.create(antlr4.Parser.prototype);
LuaParser.prototype.constructor = LuaParser;
Object.defineProperty(LuaParser.prototype, "atn", {
get : function() {
return atn;
LuaParser.EOF = antlr4.Token.EOF;
LuaParser.T__0 = 1;
LuaParser.T__1 = 2;
LuaParser.T__2 = 3;
LuaParser.T__3 = 4;
LuaParser.T__4 = 5;
LuaParser.T__5 = 6;
LuaParser.T__6 = 7;
"defineMacroDirective", "undefineDirective", "functionSpec",
"functionArgs", "directivePayload", "blockContent", "ifBlock",
"elifBlock", "elseBlock", "ifDirective", "elseDirective",
"elifDirective", "endifDirective", "forBlock", "forDirective",
"doneDirective", "endDirective" ];
function SolParser (input) {, input);
this._interp = new antlr4.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, atn, decisionsToDFA, sharedContextCache);
this.ruleNames = ruleNames;
this.literalNames = literalNames;
this.symbolicNames = symbolicNames;
return this;
SolParser.prototype = Object.create(antlr4.Parser.prototype);
SolParser.prototype.constructor = SolParser;
Object.defineProperty(SolParser.prototype, "atn", {
get : function() {
return atn;
SolParser.EOF = antlr4.Token.EOF;
SolParser.PP_LINE_BEGIN = 1;
SolParser.PP_BLOCK_BEGIN = 2;
SolParser.BLOCK_COMMENT = 3;
SolParser.LINE_COMMENT = 4;