How to use the allure-js-commons.Stage.FINISHED function in allure-js-commons

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few allure-js-commons examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github allure-framework / allure-js / packages / allure-jasmine / src / JasmineAllureReporter.ts View on Github external
for (const step of this.stepStack.reverse()) {
        step.status = Status.BROKEN;
        step.stage = Stage.INTERRUPTED;
        step.detailsMessage = "Timeout";
      this.stepStack = [];

    if (spec.status === SpecStatus.PENDING || spec.status === SpecStatus.DISABLED
      || spec.status === SpecStatus.EXCLUDED) {
      currentTest.status = Status.SKIPPED;
      currentTest.stage = Stage.PENDING;
      currentTest.detailsMessage = spec.pendingReason || "Suite disabled";
    currentTest.stage = Stage.FINISHED;
    if (spec.status === SpecStatus.PASSED) {
      currentTest.status = Status.PASSED;
    if (spec.status === SpecStatus.BROKEN) {
      currentTest.status = Status.BROKEN;
    if (spec.status === SpecStatus.FAILED) {
      currentTest.status = Status.FAILED;

    const exceptionInfo = this.findMessageAboutThrow(spec.failedExpectations)
      || this.findAnyError(spec.failedExpectations);
    if (exceptionInfo !== null) {
      currentTest.detailsMessage = exceptionInfo.message;
      currentTest.detailsTrace = exceptionInfo.stack;
github allure-framework / allure-js / packages / allure-cucumberjs / src / utilities.ts View on Github external
export function statusTextToStage(status?: string): Stage {
  if (status === "passed") return Stage.FINISHED;
  if (status === "skipped") return Stage.PENDING;
  if (status === "failed") return Stage.INTERRUPTED;
  return Stage.INTERRUPTED;
github allure-framework / allure-js / packages / allure-mocha / src / AllureReporter.ts View on Github external
private endTest(status: Status, details?: StatusDetails): void {
    if (this.currentTest === null) {
      throw new Error("endTest while no test is running");

    if (details) {
      this.currentTest.statusDetails = details;
    this.currentTest.status = status;
    this.currentTest.stage = Stage.FINISHED;