How to use the address.ip function in address

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few address examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github alibaba / rax / packages / rax-scripts / src / config / View on Github external
'use strict';

/* eslint no-console: 0 */
const address = require('address');
const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const pathConfig = require('./path.config');
const webpackConfigBase = require('./webpack.config.base');
const envConfig = require('./env.config');

const webpackConfigDev = Object.assign({}, webpackConfigBase);
const ipv4 = address.ip();
const port = envConfig.port;
const webUrl = 'http://' + ipv4 + ':' + port;
const bundleUrl = 'http://' + ipv4 + ':' + port + '/js/index.bundle.js';
const weexBundleUrl = `${bundleUrl}?_wx_tpl=${bundleUrl}`;

qrcode.generate(webUrl, { small: true });
console.log('Web: scan above QRCode ' + webUrl + ' or direct open in browser.\n');

qrcode.generate(weexBundleUrl, { small: true });
console.log('Weex: scan above QRCode ' + weexBundleUrl + ' use weex playground.\n');

// enable source map
webpackConfigDev.devtool = 'inline-module-source-map';
webpackConfigDev.entry = {
  'index.bundle': [pathConfig.appIndexJs]
github jdf2e / yep-react / scripts / View on Github external
/* eslint-disable */
const webpack = require('webpack');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const pxtorem = require('postcss-pxtorem');
const OpenBrowserPlugin = require('open-browser-webpack-plugin');
const getCSSModuleLocalIdent = require('react-dev-utils/getCSSModuleLocalIdent');
const address = require('address');
const ip = address.ip();
function resolve(dir) {
  return path.join(__dirname, '..', dir);

const createLintingRule = () => ({});

// common function to get css loaders
const getStyleLoaders = (cssOptions, preProcessor, preProcessorOptions) => {
  const loaders = [
      loader: require.resolve('css-loader'),
      options: cssOptions,
      // Options for PostCSS as we reference these options twice
github facebook / create-react-app / packages / react-dev-utils / WebpackDevServerUtils.js View on Github external
  // Unfortunately, many languages (unlike node) do not yet support IPv6.
  // This means even though localhost resolves to ::1, the application
  // must fall back to IPv4 (on
  // We can re-enable this in a few years.
  /*try {
    o.hostname = address.ipv6() ? '::1' : '';
  } catch (_ignored) {
    o.hostname = '';

  try {
    // Check if we're on a network; if we are, chances are we can resolve
    // localhost. Otherwise, we can just be safe and assume localhost is
    // IPv4 for maximum compatibility.
    if (!address.ip()) {
      o.hostname = '';
  } catch (_ignored) {
    o.hostname = '';
  return url.format(o);
github wangweianger / zanePerfor / config / config.default.js View on Github external
config.middleware = [];

    // 线上环境此处替换为项目根域名 例如 (这里不需要填写http|https和斜杠等字符)
    // 用于安全校验和回调域名根路径 开发路径域名 = '';

    config.port = 7001;

    config.origin = `http://${}:${config.port}`;

    // 集群配置(一般默认即可)
    config.cluster = {
        listen: {
            port: config.port,
            hostname: '',
            ip: address.ip(),

    // 用户密码加盐随机值
    config.user_pwd_salt_addition = 'ZANEHELLOBEAUTIFUL';

    // 用户登录态持续时间 1 天
    config.user_login_timeout = 86400;

    // web浏览器端定时任务是否执行
    config.is_web_task_run = true;

    // wx小程序端定时任务是否执行
    config.is_wx_task_run = true;

    // 执行pvuvip定时任务的时间间隔 每2分钟定时执行一次 (可更改)
github wmonk / create-react-app-typescript / packages / react-dev-utils / WebpackDevServerUtils.js View on Github external
  // Unfortunately, many languages (unlike node) do not yet support IPv6.
  // This means even though localhost resolves to ::1, the application
  // must fall back to IPv4 (on
  // We can re-enable this in a few years.
  /*try {
    o.hostname = address.ipv6() ? '::1' : '';
  } catch (_ignored) {
    o.hostname = '';

  try {
    // Check if we're on a network; if we are, chances are we can resolve
    // localhost. Otherwise, we can just be safe and assume localhost is
    // IPv4 for maximum compatibility.
    if (!address.ip()) {
      o.hostname = '';
  } catch (_ignored) {
    o.hostname = '';
  return url.format(o);
github zubairghori / Ultimate_todo_list / node_modules / detect-port-alt / lib / detect-port.js View on Github external
listen(port, 'localhost', err => {
        if (err) {
          return handleError(err);

        // 4. check current ip
        let ip;
        try {
          ip = address.ip();
        } catch (err) {
          // Skip the `ip` check if `address.ip()` fails
          return callback(null, realPort);

        listen(port, ip, (err, realPort) => {
          if (err) {
            return handleError(err);

          callback(null, realPort);
github GitOfZGT / zero-design / zerod-webpack-conf / build / View on Github external
contentBase: false, // since we use CopyWebpackPlugin.
		compress: true,
		host: HOST ||,
		port: PORT ||,
		overlay: ? { warnings: false, errors: true } : false,
		quiet: true, // necessary for FriendlyErrorsPlugin
		watchOptions: {
			aggregateTimeout: 1000,
			ignored: [, path.resolve(__dirname, "../config"), __dirname],
		disableHostCheck: true,
		public: address.ip(),
	optimization: {
		minimize: false,
	plugins: [
		new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
		new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(), // HMR shows correct file names in console on update.
		new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),

module.exports = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	portfinder.basePort = process.env.PORT ||;
	portfinder.getPort((err, port) => {
		if (err) {
github egoist / poi / core / dev-utils / prepareProxy.js View on Github external
  // Unfortunately, many languages (unlike node) do not yet support IPv6.
  // This means even though localhost resolves to ::1, the application
  // must fall back to IPv4 (on
  // We can re-enable this in a few years.
  /* try {
    o.hostname = address.ipv6() ? '::1' : '';
  } catch (_ignored) {
    o.hostname = '';
  } */

  try {
    // Check if we're on a network; if we are, chances are we can resolve
    // localhost. Otherwise, we can just be safe and assume localhost is
    // IPv4 for maximum compatibility.
    if (!address.ip()) {
      o.hostname = ''
  } catch (_) {
    o.hostname = ''
  return url.format(o)
github ThauEx / ffrk-proxy / bin / app.js View on Github external
const certStore = {
  rootCaCert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../cert/root/rootCA.crt', 'utf8'),
  rootCaKey: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../cert/root/rootCA.key', 'utf8'),
  defaultCaCert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../cert/wwe.crt', 'utf8'),
  defaultCaKey: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../cert/wwe.key', 'utf8')

const proxy = new FFRKProxy(certStore);

let proxyIp = config.get('application.proxy.ip');
const proxyPort = config.get('application.proxy.port');
let staticIp = config.get('application.cert.ip');
const staticPort = config.get('application.cert.port');

if (proxyIp === '') {
  proxyIp = address.ip();

if (staticIp === '') {
  staticIp = address.ip();

proxy.listen(proxyPort, proxyIp, function(err) {
  console.log('ffrk-proxy') +' ' + info.version + ' started'));
  console.log('listening on: ' + + ':' + proxyPort));

  if (err) {
    console.log(err, err.stack.split('\n'));
github egoist / poi / core / dev-utils / printServeMessage.js View on Github external
module.exports = ({
}) => {
  const ip = address.ip()

  const protocol = https ? 'https' : 'http'
  const isUnspecifiedHost = host === '' || host === '::'
  const prettyHost = isUnspecifiedHost ? 'localhost' : host
  const { heapUsed } = process.memoryUsage()

  const urlPort = colors.bold(port)
  const urlPath = publicUrl === '/' ? '' : url.resolve('/', publicUrl)

    `Local:             ${protocol}://${prettyHost}:${urlPort}${urlPath}`
  console.log(`On Your Network:   ${protocol}://${ip}:${urlPort}${urlPath}`)
  if (expectedPort && expectedPort !== port) {