How to use the ace-builds.Range function in ace-builds

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ace-builds examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github thingsboard / thingsboard / ui-ngx / src / app / modules / home / pages / widget / widget-editor.component.ts View on Github external
if (details.columnNumber) {
          errorInfo += ' column ' + details.columnNumber;
        errorInfo += ' of script.';
      if (!this.saveWidgetPending && !this.saveWidgetAsPending) { ActionNotificationShow(
          {message: errorInfo, type: 'error', target: 'javascriptPanel'}));
      if (details.lineNumber) {
        const line = details.lineNumber - 1;
        let column = 0;
        if (details.columnNumber) {
          column = details.columnNumber;
        const errorMarkerId = this.jsEditor.session.addMarker(new ace.Range(line, 0, line, Infinity),
          'ace_active-line', 'screenLine');
        const annotations = this.jsEditor.session.getAnnotations();
        const errorAnnotation: ace.Ace.Annotation = {
          row: line,
          text: details.message,
          type: 'error'
        this.errorAnnotationId = annotations.push(errorAnnotation) - 1;
github thingsboard / thingsboard / ui-ngx / src / app / shared / components / js-func.component.ts View on Github external
      if (details.lineNumber) {
        errorInfo += '<br>Line ' + details.lineNumber;
        if (details.columnNumber) {
          errorInfo += ' column ' + details.columnNumber;
        errorInfo += ' of script.';
      this.validationError = errorInfo;
      if (details.lineNumber) {
        const line = details.lineNumber - 1;
        let column = 0;
        if (details.columnNumber) {
          column = details.columnNumber;
        const errorMarkerId = this.jsEditor.session.addMarker(new ace.Range(line, 0, line, Infinity),
          'ace_active-line', 'screenLine');
        const annotations = this.jsEditor.session.getAnnotations();
        const errorAnnotation: ace.Ace.Annotation = {
          row: line,
          text: details.message,
          type: 'error'
        this.errorAnnotationId = annotations.push(errorAnnotation) - 1;
      return false;