How to use the @xstyled/util.assign function in @xstyled/util

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @xstyled/util examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github smooth-code / xstyled / packages / system / src / variant.js View on Github external
}) => props => {
  const themeVariants = is(key) ? getThemeValue(props, key) : null
  const computedVariants = merge(assign({}, variants), themeVariants)
  const value = props[prop] !== undefined ? props[prop] : defaultValue
  const result = getThemeValue(props, value, computedVariants)
  warn(is(result), `variant "${value}" not found`)
  return result
github smooth-code / xstyled / packages / system / src / style.js View on Github external
export function reduceBreakpoints(props, values, getStyle = identity, cache) {
  const medias = cache ? getCachedMedias(props, cache) : getMedias(props)
  let styles = {}
  for (const breakpoint in values) {
    const style = getStyle(values[breakpoint])
    if (style === null) continue
    const media = medias[breakpoint]
    if (media === null) {
      styles = merge(styles, style)
    } else {
      styles[media] = styles[media] ? assign(styles[media], style) : style
  return styles