Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
var newValues = (_ref3) {
var value = _ref3.value;
return value;
}; // Disable reason: A select with an onchange throws a warning
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-onchange */
return !isEmpty(options) && createElement(BaseControl, {
label: label,
id: id,
help: help,
className: className
}, createElement("select", _extends({
id: id,
className: "components-select-control__input",
onChange: onChangeValue,
"aria-describedby": !!help ? "".concat(id, "__help") : undefined,
multiple: multiple
}, props), (option, index) {
return createElement("option", {
key: "".concat(option.label, "-").concat(option.value, "-").concat(index),
value: option.value,
disabled: option.disabled
}, option.label);
// Re-map the prop to the local proxy handler to check whether
// the event has already been handled.
const proxiedPropName = 'on' + match[ 1 ];
result[ proxiedPropName ] = this.proxyEvent;
// Assign event -> propName into an instance variable, so as to
// avoid re-renders which could be incurred either by setState
// or in mapping values to a newly created function.
this.eventMap[ match[ 1 ].toLowerCase() ] = proxiedPropName;
return result;
}, {} );
return createElement( tagName, { ref: forwardedRef, ...props, ...eventHandlers } );
iconWithUpdatedFillColor( color: string, icon: Object ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof icon.src ) {
return (
} else if ( icon.src && ( icon.src.type === 'svg' || icon.src.type === SVG ) ) {
return (
<svg color="" style="{" xmlns="{" viewBox="{">
{ icon.src.props.children }
} else if ( 'function' === typeof icon.src ) {
if ( icon.src.prototype instanceof Component ) {
return createElement( icon.src, { fill: color, size: styles.modalIcon.width } );
return icon.src( { fill: color, size: styles.modalIcon.width } );
) }
} />
} }
createElement( withWizard( PopupsWizard, [ 'jetpack', 'newspack-popups' ] ) ),
document.getElementById( 'newspack-popups-wizard' )
const lessonElements = lesson ) => {
return (
createElement('tr', {key: lesson.lesson_id},
createElement('td', null,
createElement('span', null, lesson.order + ' '),
createElement('a', {href: lesson.edit_link}, lesson.title )),
createElement('td', null,
createElement('a', {href:'#', onClick: ( e ) => { this.trashLesson( e, lesson.lesson_id )}}, 'Trash')))
return createElement('div', null,
createElement( 'table', { className: 'wp-list-table widefat fixed striped posts' },
createElement( 'tbody', null, lessonElements )),
createElement( 'hr', null ),
createElement( 'input', {type: 'text', name: 'add-new-lesson', value: this.state.inputText, onChange: (e) => {
this.setState({inputText: } );
createElement('a', {className: 'button button-primary button-large', onClick: ( e ) => { this.createNewLesson(e); }}, 'Add New')
ReactDOM.render( createElement(CourseOutline, {courseID: window.senseiLMSAdminEditCourseID}), document.getElementById( 'sensei-component-course-lesson-container' ) );
export const Path = ( props ) => createElement( 'path', props );
export const Polygon = ( props ) => createElement( 'polygon', props );
const lessonElements = lesson ) => {
return (
createElement('tr', {key: lesson.lesson_id},
createElement('td', null,
createElement('span', null, lesson.order + ' '),
createElement('a', {href: lesson.edit_link}, lesson.title )),
createElement('td', null,
createElement('a', {href:'#', onClick: ( e ) => { this.trashLesson( e, lesson.lesson_id )}}, 'Trash')))
return createElement('div', null,
createElement( 'table', { className: 'wp-list-table widefat fixed striped posts' },
createElement( 'tbody', null, lessonElements )),
createElement( 'hr', null ),
createElement( 'input', {type: 'text', name: 'add-new-lesson', value: this.state.inputText, onChange: (e) => {
this.setState({inputText: } );
createElement('a', {className: 'button button-primary button-large', onClick: ( e ) => { this.createNewLesson(e); }}, 'Add New')
headerIcon={ }
headerText={ __( 'SEO' ) }
subHeaderText={ __( 'Search engine and social optimization' ) }
) }
createElement( withWizard( SEOWizard, [ 'wordpress-seo', 'jetpack' ] ) ),
document.getElementById( 'newspack-seo-wizard' )
const lessonElements = lesson ) => {
return (
createElement('tr', {key: lesson.lesson_id},
createElement('td', null,
createElement('span', null, lesson.order + ' '),
createElement('a', {href: lesson.edit_link}, lesson.title )),
createElement('td', null,
createElement('a', {href:'#', onClick: ( e ) => { this.trashLesson( e, lesson.lesson_id )}}, 'Trash')))