How to use the @wordpress/block-editor.withColors function in @wordpress/block-editor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @wordpress/block-editor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / wordpress__block-editor / wordpress__block-editor-tests.tsx View on Github external
be.getColorClassName(undefined, 'bar');

// $ExpectType EditorColor | Pick
be.getColorObjectByAttributeValues(COLORS, 'red', '#ff0000');

// $ExpectType EditorColor | Pick
be.getColorObjectByAttributeValues(COLORS, undefined, '#ff0000');

// $ExpectType EditorColor | undefined
be.getColorObjectByColorValue(COLORS, '#ff0000');

// $ExpectType EditorColor | undefined
be.getColorObjectByColorValue(COLORS, undefined);

// $ExpectType ComponentType
be.withColors('backgroundColor', { textColor: 'color' })(() =&gt; <h1>Hello World</h1>);

// contrast-checker

// font-sizes

// $ExpectType Partial &amp; Pick
be.getFontSize(FONT_SIZES, 'small', 15);

// $ExpectType Partial &amp; Pick
github Automattic / jetpack / extensions / shared / submit-button.js View on Github external
setTextButtonColor( nextColour );
									setAttributes( { customTextButtonColor: nextColour } );
								label: __( 'Text Color', 'jetpack' ),
						] }

export default compose( [
	withColors( 'backgroundButtonColor', { textButtonColor: 'color' } ),
] )( SubmitButton );
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / click-to-tweet / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ textColor: 'color' },
	{ buttonColor: 'background-color' },

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / accordion / accordion-item / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ textColor: 'color' },

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / hero / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ textColor: 'color' },

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / highlight / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ textColor: 'color' },

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / shape-divider / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ color: 'color' },

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / media-card / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(

export default applyWithColors;
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / author / edit.js View on Github external

const applyWithSelect = withSelect( () => {
	const selectedClientId = select( 'core/block-editor' ).getBlockSelectionStart();
	const parentClientId = select( 'core/block-editor' ).getBlockRootClientId(

	return {
		selectedParentClientId: parentClientId,
} );

export default compose( [
	withColors( 'backgroundColor', { textColor: 'color' } ),
	withFontSizes( 'fontSize' ),
] )( AuthorEdit );
github godaddy-wordpress / coblocks / src / blocks / share / colors.js View on Github external
 * WordPress dependencies
import { withColors } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

 * Generate block colors.
const applyWithColors = withColors(
	{ textColor: 'color' },

export default applyWithColors;