How to use @wireapp/protocol-messaging - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @wireapp/protocol-messaging examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / calling / CallingRepository.ts View on Github external
private readonly sendMessage = (
    context: any,
    conversationId: ConversationId,
    userId: UserId,
    clientId: DeviceId,
    destinationUserId: UserId,
    destinationClientId: DeviceId,
    payload: string,
  ): number => {
    const protoCalling = new Calling({content: payload});
    const genericMessage = new GenericMessage({
      messageId: createRandomUuid(),
    const call = this.findCall(conversationId);
    if (call?.blockMessages) {
      return 0;

    const options = this.targetMessageRecipients(payload, destinationUserId, destinationClientId);
    const eventInfoEntity = new EventInfoEntity(genericMessage, conversationId, options);
    this.conversationRepository.sendCallingMessage(eventInfoEntity, conversationId).catch(() => {
      if (call) {
        // we flag the call in order to prevent sending further messages
        call.blockMessages = true;
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / links / LinkPreviewProtoBuilder.ts View on Github external
if (!data.title || !data.url) {

  const {description = '', site_name, title = '', url: dataUrl} = data;

  const truncatedDescription = truncate(deArrayify(description), config.MAXIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_CHARS);
  const truncatedTitle = truncate(deArrayify(title), config.MAXIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_CHARS);

  const protoArticle = new Article({
    permanentUrl: deArrayify(dataUrl),
    summary: truncatedDescription,
    title: truncatedTitle,
  }); // deprecated format

  const protoLinkPreview = new LinkPreview({
    article: protoArticle,
    permanentUrl: deArrayify(dataUrl),
    summary: truncatedDescription,
    title: truncatedTitle,
    url: link,
    urlOffset: offset,

  if (deArrayify(site_name) === 'Twitter' && isTweetUrl(deArrayify(dataUrl))) {
    const author = deArrayify(title)
      .replace('on Twitter', '')
    const username = deArrayify(dataUrl).match(/com\/([^/]*)\//)[1];
    const protoTweet = new Tweet({author, username});

    protoLinkPreview[PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE.TWEET] = protoTweet;
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / conversation / ConversationEphemeralHandler.js View on Github external
assetEntity.previews().map(linkPreview => {
        const protoArticle = new Article({permanentUrl: linkPreview.url, title: linkPreview.title}); // deprecated format
        const linkPreviewProto = new LinkPreview({
          article: protoArticle,
          permanentUrl: linkPreview.url,
          title: linkPreview.title,
          url: linkPreview.url,
          urlOffset: 0,
        return arrayToBase64(LinkPreview.encode(linkPreviewProto).finish());
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / links / LinkPreviewProtoBuilder.ts View on Github external
if (isEmpty(data)) {

  data.url = data.url || link;

  if (!data.title || !data.url) {

  const {description = '', site_name, title = '', url: dataUrl} = data;

  const truncatedDescription = truncate(deArrayify(description), config.MAXIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_CHARS);
  const truncatedTitle = truncate(deArrayify(title), config.MAXIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_CHARS);

  const protoArticle = new Article({
    permanentUrl: deArrayify(dataUrl),
    summary: truncatedDescription,
    title: truncatedTitle,
  }); // deprecated format

  const protoLinkPreview = new LinkPreview({
    article: protoArticle,
    permanentUrl: deArrayify(dataUrl),
    summary: truncatedDescription,
    title: truncatedTitle,
    url: link,
    urlOffset: offset,

  if (deArrayify(site_name) === 'Twitter' && isTweetUrl(deArrayify(dataUrl))) {
    const author = deArrayify(title)
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / conversation / ConversationEphemeralHandler.js View on Github external
assetEntity.previews().map(linkPreview => {
        const protoArticle = new Article({permanentUrl: linkPreview.url, title: linkPreview.title}); // deprecated format
        const linkPreviewProto = new LinkPreview({
          article: protoArticle,
          permanentUrl: linkPreview.url,
          title: linkPreview.title,
          url: linkPreview.url,
          urlOffset: 0,
        return arrayToBase64(LinkPreview.encode(linkPreviewProto).finish());
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / calling / CallingRepository.ts View on Github external
private readonly sendMessage = (
    context: any,
    conversationId: ConversationId,
    userId: UserId,
    clientId: DeviceId,
    destinationUserId: UserId,
    destinationClientId: DeviceId,
    payload: string,
  ): number => {
    const protoCalling = new Calling({content: payload});
    const genericMessage = new GenericMessage({
      messageId: createRandomUuid(),
    const call = this.findCall(conversationId);
    if (call?.blockMessages) {
      return 0;

    const options = this.targetMessageRecipients(payload, destinationUserId, destinationClientId);
    const eventInfoEntity = new EventInfoEntity(genericMessage, conversationId, options);
    this.conversationRepository.sendCallingMessage(eventInfoEntity, conversationId).catch(() => {
      if (call) {
        // we flag the call in order to prevent sending further messages
        call.blockMessages = true;
github wireapp / wire-webapp / src / script / conversation / ConversationEphemeralHandler.js View on Github external
assetEntity.previews().map(linkPreview => {
        const protoArticle = new Article({permanentUrl: linkPreview.url, title: linkPreview.title}); // deprecated format
        const linkPreviewProto = new LinkPreview({
          article: protoArticle,
          permanentUrl: linkPreview.url,
          title: linkPreview.title,
          url: linkPreview.url,
          urlOffset: 0,
        return arrayToBase64(LinkPreview.encode(linkPreviewProto).finish());
github wireapp / wire-webapp / test / unit_tests / event / EventRepositorySpec.js View on Github external
async function createEncodedCiphertext(
  text = 'Hello, World!',
  receivingIdentity = TestFactory.cryptography_repository.cryptobox.identity,
) {
  const bobEngine = new MemoryEngine();
  await bobEngine.init('bob');

  const sender = new Cryptobox(bobEngine, 1);
  await sender.create();

  const genericMessage = new GenericMessage({
    [GENERIC_MESSAGE_TYPE.TEXT]: new Text({content: text}),
    messageId: createRandomUuid(),

  const sessionId = `from-${sender.identity.public_key.fingerprint()}-to-${preKey.key_pair.public_key.fingerprint()}`;
  const preKeyBundle =, preKey);

  const cipherText = await sender.encrypt(

  return arrayToBase64(cipherText);
github wireapp / wire-webapp / test / unit_tests / cryptography / CryptographyMapperSpec.js View on Github external
it('can map a ping wrapped inside an external message', async () => {
      let external_message = undefined;

      const genericMessage = new GenericMessage({
        knock: new Knock({hotKnock: false}),
        messageId: createRandomUuid(),

      const encryptedAsset = await encryptAesAsset(GenericMessage.encode(genericMessage).finish());
      const keyBytes = new Uint8Array(encryptedAsset.keyBytes);
      const sha256 = new Uint8Array(encryptedAsset.sha256); = await arrayToBase64(encryptedAsset.cipherText);

      external_message = new GenericMessage({
        external: new External({otrKey: keyBytes, sha256}),
        messageId: createRandomUuid(),
      const event_json = await mapper.mapGenericMessage(external_message, event);

github wireapp / wire-webapp / test / unit_tests / cryptography / CryptographyRepositorySpec.js View on Github external
const preKeys = await TestFactory.cryptography_repository.createCryptobox(database);
      const alice = TestFactory.cryptography_repository.cryptobox.identity;


      const aliceBundle =, preKeys[0]);

      const bobEngine = new MemoryEngine();
      await bobEngine.init('bob');

      const bob = new Cryptobox(bobEngine, 1);
      await bob.create();

      const plainText = 'Hello, Alice!';

      const genericMessage = new GenericMessage({
        [GENERIC_MESSAGE_TYPE.TEXT]: new Text({content: plainText}),
        messageId: createRandomUuid(),

      const cipherText = await bob.encrypt(
      const encodedCipherText = await arrayToBase64(cipherText);

      const mockedEvent = {
        data: {
          text: encodedCipherText,
        from: createRandomUuid(),