How to use the @vendure/core.DefaultLogger.hideNestBoostrapLogs function in @vendure/core

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github vendure-ecommerce / vendure / packages / testing / src / test-server.ts View on Github external
private async bootstrapForTesting(
        userConfig: Partial,
    ): Promise<[INestApplication, INestMicroservice | undefined]> {
        const config = await preBootstrapConfig(userConfig);
        const appModule = await import('@vendure/core/dist/app.module');
        try {
            const app = await NestFactory.create(appModule.AppModule, { cors: config.cors, logger: false });
            let worker: INestMicroservice | undefined;
            await app.listen(config.port);
            if (config.workerOptions.runInMainProcess) {
                const workerModule = await import('@vendure/core/dist/worker/worker.module');
                worker = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(workerModule.WorkerModule, {
                    transport: config.workerOptions.transport,
                    logger: new Logger(),
                    options: config.workerOptions.options,
                await worker.listenAsync();
            return [app, worker];
        } catch (e) {