How to use the @uppy/robodog.dashboard function in @uppy/robodog

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @uppy/robodog examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github transloadit / uppy / examples / transloadit / main.js View on Github external
fields: ['message'],
  restrictions: {
    allowedFileTypes: ['.png']
  waitForEncoding: true,
  note: 'Only PNG files please!',
  params: {
    auth: { key: TRANSLOADIT_KEY },
    template_id: TEMPLATE_ID
  dashboard: '#dashboard-form .dashboard'

window.formUppyWithDashboard = formUppyWithDashboard

const dashboard = robodog.dashboard('#dashboard', {
  debug: true,
  waitForEncoding: true,
  note: 'Images will be resized with Transloadit',
  params: {
    auth: { key: TRANSLOADIT_KEY },
    template_id: TEMPLATE_ID

window.dashboard = dashboard

 * robodog.modal

function openModal () {


Transloadit SDK for browsers based on Uppy

Latest version published 2 years ago

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64 / 100
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