How to use the @turf/turf.buffer function in @turf/turf

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @turf/turf examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github syousif94 / frugalmaps / functions / getEvents.js View on Github external
.then(results => {
        if (!results.hits.hits.length) {
          return results.hits.hits;

        const points = =>

        if (lat && lng && !bounds) {
          points.push(turf.point([lng, lat]));

        // create a bounding box for the results
        const envelope = turf.bbox(
          turf.buffer(turf.envelope(turf.featureCollection(points)), 0.5, {
            units: "miles"

        bounds = {
          southwest: {
            lat: envelope[1],
            lng: envelope[0]
          northeast: {
            lat: envelope[3],
            lng: envelope[2]

        return => {
github sharedstreets / trip-simulator / src / agent.js View on Github external
Agent.prototype.route = async function(range) {
  try {
    // buffer location to range
    const buffer = turf.buffer(turf.point(this.location), range).geometry;
    // compute quadkeys to query
    const quadkeys = cover.indexes(buffer, this.simulation.Z);
    // select random quadkey by rank
    const scores = => {
      var score = this.simulation.quadtree.get(q);
      return this.simulation.quadtree.get(q) || 0;

    const quadkey = this.simulation.chance.weighted(quadkeys, scores);
    const bbox = tilebelt.tileToBBOX(tilebelt.quadkeyToTile(quadkey));
    // select random destination within bbox
    var destination = [
      this.simulation.chance.longitude({ min: bbox[0], max: bbox[2] }),
      this.simulation.chance.latitude({ min: bbox[1], max: bbox[3] })
    // snap destination to graph
github codice / ddf / ui / packages / catalog-ui-search / src / main / webapp / js / widgets / openlayers.line.js View on Github external
drawBorderedPolygon(rectangle) {
    if (!rectangle) {
      // handles case where model changes to empty vars and we don't want to draw anymore
    const lineWidth =
      ) || 1

    const turfLine = Turf.lineString(
    const bufferedLine = Turf.buffer(turfLine, lineWidth, 'meters')
    const geometryRepresentation = new ol.geom.MultiLineString(

    if (this.vectorLayer) {

    this.billboard = new ol.Feature({
      geometry: geometryRepresentation,


    const color = this.model.get('color')
github osmlab / osmlint / validators / missingTurnLinks / map.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(tileLayers, tile, writeData, done) {
  var layer = tileLayers.osm.osm;
  var bboxes = [];
  var bboxLayer = turf.bboxPolygon(turf.bbox(layer));
  bboxLayer.geometry.type = 'LineString';
  bboxLayer.geometry.coordinates = bboxLayer.geometry.coordinates[0];
  var bufferLayer = turf.buffer(bboxLayer, 0.01, 'miles');
  var highways = {};
  var preserveType = {
    'motorway': true,
    'trunk': true,
    'primary': true,
    'secondary': true,
    'tertiary': true

  var roadSegments = {};
  var osmlint = 'missingturnlinks';
  for (var i = 0; i < layer.features.length; i++) {
    var val = layer.features[i];
    if ( && preserveType[] && val.geometry.type === 'LineString') {
      var segmets = turf.lineSegment(val);
      var id =['@id'];
github osmlab / osmlint / validators / islandsHighways / map.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(tileLayers, tile, writeData, done) {
  var layer = tileLayers.osm.osm;
  var bboxLayer = turf.bboxPolygon(turf.bbox(layer));
  bboxLayer.geometry.type = 'LineString';
  bboxLayer.geometry.coordinates = bboxLayer.geometry.coordinates[0];
  var bufferLayer = turf.buffer(bboxLayer, 0.01, {
    units: 'miles'
  var highways = {};
  var bboxes = [];
  var majorRoads = {
    motorway: true,
    trunk: true,
    primary: true,
    secondary: true,
    tertiary: true,
    motorway_link: true,
    trunk_link: true,
    primary_link: true,
    secondary_link: true,
    tertiary_link: true
github terrestris / react-geo / src / Util / GeometryUtil / GeometryUtil.js View on Github external
static addBuffer (geometry, radius = 0, projection = 'EPSG:3857') {
    if (radius === 0) {
      return geometry;
    const geoJsonFormat = new OlFormatGeoJSON({
      dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
      featureProjection: projection
    const geoJson = geometry instanceof OlFeature
      ? geoJsonFormat.writeFeatureObject(geometry)
      : geoJsonFormat.writeGeometryObject(geometry);
    const buffered = buffer(geoJson, radius, {
      units: 'meters'
    if (geometry instanceof OlFeature) {
      return geoJsonFormat.readFeature(buffered);
    } else {
      return geoJsonFormat.readGeometry(buffered.geometry);
github codice / ddf / ui / packages / catalog-ui-search / src / main / webapp / js / widgets / cesium.polygon.js View on Github external
const createBufferedPolygonPoints = (polygonPoints, width) => {
  return Turf.buffer(
    Math.max(width, 1),
github osmlab / osmlint / validators / unconnectedHighways / map.js View on Github external
if (!turf.booleanPointInPolygon(firstPoint, bufferLayer)) {
        overlapsFirstPoint =
              turf.bbox(turf.buffer(firstPoint, distance, unit)),
      var overlapsEndPoint = [];
      if (!turf.booleanPointInPolygon(endPoint, bufferLayer)) {
        overlapsEndPoint =
              turf.bbox(turf.buffer(endPoint, distance, unit)),
      var overlapBboxes = overlapsFirstPoint.concat(overlapsEndPoint);
      var arrayCorrd = [];
      for (var j = 0; j < overlapBboxes.length; j++) {
        var overlapBbox = overlapBboxes[j];
        if ( !== {
          arrayCorrd = arrayCorrd.concat(
github osmlab / osmlint / validators / unclosedWays / map.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(tileLayers, tile, writeData, done) {
  var layer = tileLayers.osm.osm;
  var bbox = turf.bbox(layer);
  var bboxLineString = turf.bboxPolygon(bbox);
  bboxLineString.geometry.type = 'LineString';
  bboxLineString.geometry.coordinates = bboxLineString.geometry.coordinates[0];
  var buffer = turf.buffer(bboxLineString, 0.0005, {
    units: 'miles'
  var result = layer.features.filter(function(val) { = 'unclosedways';
    var valueType =
      preserveType.area[] ||
      preserveType.building[] ||
      preserveType.landuse[] ||
      preserveType.aeroway[] ||
      preserveType.leisure[] ||
      preserveType.natural[] ||

    if (
      val.geometry.type === 'LineString' &&
      valueType &&
github codice / ddf / ui / packages / catalog-ui-search / src / main / webapp / js / filter.js View on Github external
const createBufferedPolygon = (coordinates, distance) =>
  Turf.buffer(Turf.lineString(coordinates), Math.max(distance, 1), 'meters')