How to use the @tsed/common.Controller function in @tsed/common

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @tsed/common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / controllers / kots / KotsAPI.ts View on Github external
interface CreateAppBody {
  metadata: string;

interface UploadLicenseBody {
  name: string;
  license: string;
  appSlug: string;

interface UpdateAppBody {
  slug: string;

export class KotsAPI {
  async kotsPorts(
    @Req() request: Request,
    @Res() response: Response,
  ): Promise {
    // This method is connected to over kubectl...
    // There is no user auth, but this method should be
    // exposed only on cluster ip to enforce that it's
    // not exposed to the public

    const kotsAppStore: KotsAppStore =;

    const apps = await kotsAppStore.listInstalledKotsApps();
    if (apps.length === 0) {
      return [];
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / test / integration / app / controllers / products / ProductsCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {BodyParams, Controller, Get, Post, Scope} from "@tsed/common";
import {Docs, Hidden} from "@tsed/swagger";
import {$log} from "ts-log-debug";
import {CalendarModel} from "../../models/Calendar";
import {AdminProductPostModel, UserProductPostModel} from "../../models/Product";
import {InnerService} from "../../services/InnerService";
import {OuterService} from "../../services/OuterService";

export class ProductsCtrl {
  constructor(public innerService: InnerService, public outerService: OuterService) {
    $log.debug("Controller New Instance");
    $log.debug("innerService == outerService.innerService? ", innerService === outerService.innerService);

  async renderCalendars(): Promise {
    return [{id: "1", name: "test"}];

  $onDestroy() {
    $log.debug("Destroy controller");
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / test / integration / app / controllers / calendars / CalendarCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {TokenService} from "../../services/TokenService";
import {BaseController} from "../base/BaseController";
import {EventCtrl} from "./EventCtrl";

interface ICalendar {
  id: string;
  name: string;

 * Add @ControllerProvider annotation to declare your provide as Router controller. The first param is the global path for your controller.
 * The others params is the children controllers.
 * In this case, EventCtrl is a depedency of CalendarCtrl. All routes of EventCtrl will be mounted on the `/calendars` path.
@Controller("/calendars", EventCtrl)
@Description("Controller description")
export class CalendarCtrl extends BaseController {
  constructor(private tokenService: TokenService) {

   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @param next
  static middleware(request: any, response: Express.Response, next: Express.NextFunction) {
    request["user"] = 1; = "local-10909";
    request.ctx.set("uid", "ctx-10909");
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / docs / docs / snippets / middlewares / call-sequences.ts View on Github external
import {Controller, Get, Next, Use, UseAfter, UseBefore, UseBeforeEach} from "@tsed/common";

export class MyCtrl {

  endpointA(@Next() next: Next) {

github replicatedhq / kots / kotsadm / api / src / controllers / CrashzAPI.ts View on Github external
import { Controller, Get } from "@tsed/common";

export class CrashzAPI {
  async crashIntentionally() {
    throw new Error("Crashz!");
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / examples / passport-azure-ad / packages / server / src / controllers / HelloWorldCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {$log, BodyParams, Controller, Get, Head, Post} from "@tsed/common";
import {OAuthBearer} from "../decorators/OAuthBearer";
import {OAuthParams} from "../decorators/OAuthParams";
import {OAuthHead} from "../decorators/OAuthHead";

export class HelloWorldCtrl {

  @OAuthBearer({"scopes": ["tester"]})
  helloAuthScopesWorld(@OAuthParams("scopes") scopes: string[]) {

    ${event: "helloAuthScopesWorld", scopes});

    return {text: "hello world with scopes"};

  helloAuthNoScopesWorld(@OAuthParams("scopes") scopes: string[]) {

    ${event: "helloAuthNoScopesWorld", scopes});
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / integration / typeorm / src / controllers / users / UsersCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {BodyParams, Controller, Get, Post} from "@tsed/common";
import {ReturnsArray} from "@tsed/swagger";
import {User} from "../../entity/User";
import {UsersService} from "../../services/UsersService";

export class UsersCtrl {

  constructor(private usersService: UsersService) {

  create(@BodyParams() user: User): Promise {
    return this.usersService.create(user);

  async getList(): Promise {
    return this.usersService.find();
github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / integration / session / src / controllers / RestCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {$log, BodyParams, Controller, Get, Post, Session, Status} from "@tsed/common";

export class RestCtrl {

  whoAmI(@Session() session: any) {
    $"User in session =>", session.user);
    return session.user && ? `Hello user ${}` : "Hello world";

  login(@BodyParams("name") name: string, @Session("user") user: any) { = "1"; = name;

github TypedProject / ts-express-decorators / examples / aws / src / controllers / calendars / CalendarsCtrl.ts View on Github external
import {BodyParams, Controller, Delete, Get, PathParams, Post, Put, Required, Status} from "@tsed/common";
import {NotFound} from "ts-httpexceptions";
import {Calendar} from "../../interfaces/Calendar";
import {CalendarsService} from "../../services/calendars/CalendarsService";
import {EventsCtrl} from "../events/EventsCtrl";

 * Add @Controller annotation to declare your class as Router controller.
 * The first param is the global path for your controller.
 * The others params is the controller dependencies.
 * In this case, EventsCtrl is a dependency of CalendarsCtrl.
 * All routes of EventsCtrl will be mounted on the `/calendars` path.
@Controller("/calendars", EventsCtrl)
export class CalendarsCtrl {

  constructor(private calendarsService: CalendarsService) {


  async get(@Required() @PathParams("id") id: string): Promise {

    const calendar = await this.calendarsService.find(id);

    if (calendar) {
      return calendar;

    throw new NotFound("Calendar not found");
github replicatedhq / kots / kotsadm / api / src / controllers / titled / LicenseAPI.ts View on Github external
import Express from "express";
import {
} from "@tsed/common";
import yaml from "js-yaml";
import * as _ from "lodash";

export class LicenseAPI {
  public async license(
    @Res() response: Express.Response,
    @Req() request: Express.Request,
    @BodyParams("") body: any,
  ): Promise {
    const apps = await;
    if (_.size(apps) === 0) {
      return {};

    if (_.size(apps) > 1) {
      return {};