How to use the @tensorflow/tfjs-node.sequential function in @tensorflow/tfjs-node

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @tensorflow/tfjs-node examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jainsamyak / Stockifier / src / js / prediction.js View on Github external
var lookbackPrices = [];
        var targets = [];
        for (let index = 10; index < prices.length; index++) {
            lookbackPrices[index - 10] = prices.slice(index - 10, index);
        tfPrices = tf.tensor2d(lookbackPrices);
        global.pred = tf.tensor2d(lookbackPrices[0], [1, 10]);
        global.pred = tf.reshape(global.pred, [1, 10, 1]);
        tfTargets = tf.tensor1d(targets);
        tfPrices = tf.reshape(tfPrices, [prices.length - 10, 10, 1]);

        const model = tf.sequential();
        model.add(tf.layers.lstm({ units: 32, inputShape: [10, 1] }));
        model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, activation: 'linear' }));
        $lr = parseFloat($('#txtLearningRate').val());
        const lr = $lr;
        const opt = tf.train.adam(lr);
        const loss = 'meanSquaredError';
        openSnackbar("Compiling model");
        model.compile({ optimizer: opt, loss: loss, metrics: ['mae', 'mse'] }); /* Using Mean Absolute Error as metrics for accuracy of model */

        async function fit() {
            t = => minMaxInverseScaler(el, min, max));
            t = t.slice(t.length - 100, t.length);
   = dates.slice(dates.length - 100, dates.length);

            var loss = Infinity;
            var epochs = 1;
github charliegerard / gestures-ml-js / phone / examples / game / train.js View on Github external
const createModel = async(xTrain, yTrain, xTest, yTest) => {
  const params = {learningRate: 0.1, epochs: 40};
  // Define the topology of the model: two dense layers.
  const model = tf.sequential();
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 10, activation: 'sigmoid', inputShape: [xTrain.shape[1]]}));
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: numClasses, activation: 'softmax'}));

  const optimizer = tf.train.adam(params.learningRate);
    optimizer: optimizer,
    loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
    metrics: ['accuracy'],

  await, yTrain, {
    epochs: params.epochs,
    validationData: [xTest, yTest],
github charliegerard / gestures-ml-js / daydream / examples / game / train.js View on Github external
const createModel = async(xTrain, yTrain, xTest, yTest) => {
  const params = {learningRate: 0.1, epochs: 40};
  // Define the topology of the model: two dense layers.
  const model = tf.sequential();
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 10, activation: 'sigmoid', inputShape: [xTrain.shape[1]]}));
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: numClasses, activation: 'softmax'}));

  const optimizer = tf.train.adam(params.learningRate);
    optimizer: optimizer,
    loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
    metrics: ['accuracy'],

  await, yTrain, {
    epochs: params.epochs,
    validationData: [xTest, yTest],
  // await'file://model');
github hubtype / botonic / packages / botonic-nlu / src / botonic-nlu.js View on Github external
function embeddingLSTMModel({
}) {
  let model = tf.sequential()
      inputDim: vocabularyLength,
      outputDim: params.EMBEDDING_DIM,
      inputLength: params.MAX_SEQ_LENGTH,
      trainable: params.TRAINABLE_EMBEDDINGS,
      weights: [embeddingMatrix]

    // tf.layers.bidirectional({
    //   layer: tf.layers.lstm({
    //     units: params.UNITS,
    //     dropout: params.DROPOUT_REG,
    //     recurrentDropout: params.DROPOUT_REG
github adwellj / node-tfjs-retrain / model.js View on Github external
buildRetrainingModel(denseUnits, numClasses, learningRate) {
        this.model = tf.sequential({
            layers: [
                // Flattens the input to a vector so we can use it in a dense layer. While
                // technically a layer, this only performs a reshape (and has no training
                // parameters).
                    inputShape: this.decapitatedMobilenet.outputs[0].shape.slice(
                // Layer 1.
                    units: denseUnits,
                    activation: "relu",
                    kernelInitializer: "varianceScaling",
                    useBias: true
github tensorflow / tfjs-examples / intent-classifier / training / tagger_model.js View on Github external
function getModel(opts) {
  const {embeddingDims, sequenceLength, modelType, numLabels, weights} = opts;

  const model = tf.sequential();
    inputShape: [sequenceLength, embeddingDims],

  // This function can return one of three different model architectures:
  //  'lstm': A unidirectional (one layer) LSTM
  //  'bidirectional-lstm': A bidirectional (one layer) LSTM
  //  'dense': A single layer dense network. This can be a baseline.

  let lstmLayer;
  switch (modelType) {
    case 'lstm':
      lstmLayer = tf.layers.lstm({
        units: sequenceLength,
        recurrentInitializer: 'glorotNormal',
        returnSequences: true,
github ralscha / blog2019 / mnistjs / train / tfjs.js View on Github external
function createConvModel() {
    const model = tf.sequential();

        inputShape: [28, 28, 1],
        kernelSize: 3,
        filters: 16,
        activation: 'relu'

    model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({ poolSize: 2, strides: 2 }));
    model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({ kernelSize: 3, filters: 32, activation: 'relu' }));
    model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({ poolSize: 2, strides: 2 }));
    model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({ kernelSize: 3, filters: 32, activation: 'relu' }));
    model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 64, activation: 'relu' }));
    model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 10, activation: 'softmax' }));
github tensorflow / tfjs-examples / abalone-node / model.js View on Github external
function createModel(inputShape) {
  const model = tf.sequential();
    inputShape: inputShape,
    activation: 'sigmoid',
    units: 50,
    activation: 'sigmoid',
    units: 50,
    units: 1,
  model.compile({optimizer: tf.train.sgd(0.01), loss: 'meanSquaredError'});
  return model;
github victordibia / anomagram / experiments / iris.js View on Github external
const outputData = tf.tensor2d( => [
    item.species === 'setosa' ? 1 : 0,
    item.species === 'virginica' ? 1 : 0,
    item.species === 'versicolor' ? 1 : 0

]), [iris_train.length, 3])

const y_test = tf.tensor2d( => [
    item.species === 'setosa' ? 1 : 0,
    item.species === 'virginica' ? 1 : 0,
    item.species === 'versicolor' ? 1 : 0

]), [iris_test.length, 3])

const model = tf.sequential();

    inputShape: [4],
    activation: "sigmoid",
    units: 10,
    name: "layer1"

    inputShape: [10],
    activation: "softmax",
    units: 3,
    name: "layer2"
