How to use @teleporthq/teleport-shared - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @teleporthq/teleport-shared examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-uidl-resolver / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export const resolveNavlinks = (uidlNode: UIDLNode, routesDefinition: UIDLStateDefinition) => {
  UIDLUtils.traverseElements(uidlNode, (element) => {
    if (element.elementType === 'navlink') {
      const transitionAttribute = element.attrs.transitionTo
      if (!transitionAttribute) {
        // Fallback for when transitionTo is not present
          `transitionTo was missing from element: '${element.elementType}'. Falling back to navlink: '/'`
        element.attrs.transitionTo = {
          type: 'static',
          content: '/',


      if (transitionAttribute.type !== 'static') {
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-project-generator / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export const extractPageOptions = (
  routeDefinitions: UIDLStateDefinition,
  routeName: string,
  useFileNameForNavigation = false
): UIDLPageOptions => {
  const isHomePage = routeDefinitions.defaultValue === routeName
  const pageDefinitions = routeDefinitions.values || []
  const pageDefinition = pageDefinitions.find((stateDef) => stateDef.value === routeName)

  // If no meta object is defined, the stateName is used
  const defaultPageName = 'AppPage'
  const friendlyStateName = StringUtils.removeIllegalCharacters(routeName) || defaultPageName // remove space, leading numbers, etc.
  const friendlyComponentName = StringUtils.dashCaseToUpperCamelCase(friendlyStateName) // component name in UpperCamelCase
  const friendlyFileName = StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(friendlyStateName) // file name in dash-case

  let pageOptions: UIDLPageOptions = {
    // default values extracted from state name
    fileName: friendlyFileName,
    componentName: friendlyComponentName,
    navLink: '/' + (isHomePage ? '' : friendlyFileName),

  if (pageDefinition && pageDefinition.pageOptions) {
    // The pageDefinition values have precedence, defaults are fallbacks
    pageOptions = {
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-css / src / index.ts View on Github external
UIDLUtils.traverseElements(node, (element) => {
      const { style, key } = element

      if (!style) {

      const { staticStyles, dynamicStyles } = UIDLUtils.splitDynamicAndStaticStyles(style)
      const root = templateLookup[key]

      if (Object.keys(staticStyles).length > 0) {
        const elementClassName = StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(key)
        const componentFileName = UIDLUtils.getComponentFileName(uidl) // Filename used to enforce dash case naming
        const className = forceScoping // when the framework doesn't provide automating scoping for classNames
          ? `${componentFileName}-${elementClassName}`
          : elementClassName

          StyleBuilders.createCSSClass(className, StyleUtils.getContentOfStyleObject(staticStyles))

        if (templateStyle === 'html') {
          HASTUtils.addClassToNode(root, className)
        } else {
          ASTUtils.addClassStringOnJSXTag(root, className, classAttributeName)
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Object.keys(components).forEach((componentKey) => {
    const component = components[componentKey]

    // values coming from the input UIDL
    const { fileName, componentClassName } = component.outputOptions || {
      fileName: '',
      componentClassName: '',

    const defaultComponentName = 'AppComponent'
    const friendlyName = StringUtils.removeIllegalCharacters( || defaultComponentName
    const friendlyFileName = fileName || StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(friendlyName) // ex: primary-button
    const friendlyComponentName =
      componentClassName || StringUtils.dashCaseToUpperCamelCase(friendlyName) // ex: PrimaryButton
    const folderPath = UIDLUtils.getComponentFolderPath(component)

    const {
    } = componentStrategyOptions

    // If the component has its own folder, name is 'index' or an override from the strategy.
    // In this case, the file name (dash converted) is used as the folder name
    if (componentStrategyOptions.createFolderForEachComponent) {
      component.outputOptions = {
        componentClassName: friendlyComponentName,
        fileName: (customComponentFileName && customComponentFileName(friendlyFileName)) || 'index',
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-react-styled-jsx / src / index.ts View on Github external
UIDLUtils.traverseElements(node, (element) => {
      const { style, key } = element
      if (style && Object.keys(style).length > 0) {
        const root = jsxNodesLookup[key]
        const className = StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(key)
        // Generating the string templates for the dynamic styles
        const styleRules = UIDLUtils.transformDynamicStyles(style, (styleValue) => {
          if (styleValue.content.referenceType === 'prop') {
            return `\$\{${propsPrefix}.${}\}`
          throw new Error(
            `Error running transformDynamicStyles in reactStyledJSXChunkPlugin. Unsupported styleValue.content.referenceType value ${styleValue.content.referenceType}`
        styleJSXString.push(StyleBuilders.createCSSClass(className, styleRules))
        ASTUtils.addClassStringOnJSXTag(root, className)
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-uidl-resolver / src / utils.ts View on Github external
const resolveDependency = (
  mappedElement: UIDLElement,
  uidlDependency?: UIDLDependency,
  localDependenciesPrefix = './'
) => {
  // If dependency is specified at UIDL level it will have priority over the mapping one
  const nodeDependency = uidlDependency || mappedElement.dependency
  if (nodeDependency && nodeDependency.type === 'local') {
    // When a dependency is specified without a path, we infer it is a local import.

    // ex: PrimaryButton component should be written in a file called primary-button
    // This is just a fallback for when the dependency path is not set by a project generator
    const componentName = mappedElement.elementType
    const componentFileName = StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(componentName)

    // concatenate a trailing slash in case it's missing
    if (localDependenciesPrefix[localDependenciesPrefix.length - 1] !== '/') {
      localDependenciesPrefix = localDependenciesPrefix + '/'

    nodeDependency.path = nodeDependency.path || localDependenciesPrefix + componentFileName

  return nodeDependency
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-css-modules / src / index.ts View on Github external
UIDLUtils.traverseElements(uidl.node, (element) => {
      const { style, key } = element
      if (style) {
        const root = astNodesLookup[key]
        const { staticStyles, dynamicStyles } = UIDLUtils.splitDynamicAndStaticStyles(style)

        if (Object.keys(staticStyles).length > 0) {
          const className = StringUtils.camelCaseToDashCase(key)
          const jsFriendlyClassName = StringUtils.dashCaseToCamelCase(className)


          // When the className is equal to the jsFriendlyClassName, it can be safely addressed with `styles.`
          const classNameIsJSFriendly = className === jsFriendlyClassName
          const classReferenceIdentifier =
            camelCaseClassNames || classNameIsJSFriendly
              ? `styles.${jsFriendlyClassName}`
              : `styles['${className}']`
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-common / src / node-handlers / node-to-html / utils.ts View on Github external
hastUtils.addAttributeToNode(htmlNode, dynamicAttrKey,
    case 'static':
      if (Array.isArray(attrValue.content)) {
        // This handles the cases when arrays are sent as props or passed as attributes
        // The array will be placed on the dataObject and the data reference is placed on the node
        const dataObjectIdentifier = `${elementName}${StringUtils.capitalize(attrKey)}`
        dataObject[dataObjectIdentifier] = attrValue.content
        hastUtils.addAttributeToNode(htmlNode, dynamicAttrKey, dataObjectIdentifier)
      } else if (typeof attrValue.content === 'boolean') {
        hastUtils.addBooleanAttributeToNode(htmlNode, attrKey)
      } else if (typeof attrValue.content === 'string') {
      } else {
        // For numbers and values that are passed to components and maintain their type
        hastUtils.addAttributeToNode(htmlNode, dynamicAttrKey, attrValue.content.toString())
      throw new Error(
        `generateElementNode could not generate code for attribute of type ${JSON.stringify(
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-angular-base-component / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export const generateExportAST = (
  uidl: ComponentUIDL,
  propDefinitions: Record,
  stateDefinitions: Record,
  dataObject: Record,
  methodsObject: Record,
  t = types
) => {
  const componentName = UIDLUtils.getComponentClassName(uidl)
  let angularMethodsAST: types.ClassMethod[] = []
  if (Object.keys(methodsObject).length > 0) {
    angularMethodsAST = createMethodsObject(methodsObject, propDefinitions)

  const propDeclaration = Object.keys(propDefinitions).map((propKey) => {
    const definition = propDefinitions[propKey]
    // By default any prop with type function is used to emitting events to the callee
    if (definition.type === 'func') {
      return t.classProperty(
        t.newExpression(t.identifier('EventEmitter'), []),
github teleporthq / teleport-code-generators / packages / teleport-plugin-angular-module / src / index.ts View on Github external
          dependencies.BrowserModule = ANGULAR_PLATFORM_BROWSER
          dependencies.ComponentsModule = constructRouteForComponentsModule('.')
          dependencies.AppComponent = APP_COMPONENT

          const routes = UIDLUtils.extractRoutes(uidl)
          routesAST = createRoutesAST(routes, stateDefinitions)
          ngModuleAST = createRootModuleDecorator()
          moduleDecoratorAST = createExportModuleAST('AppModule')
      case 'page':
          dependencies.ComponentsModule = constructRouteForComponentsModule('../..')
          dependencies.CommonModule = ANGULAR_COMMON_MODULE
          const componentName = UIDLUtils.getComponentClassName(uidl)
          const fileName = UIDLUtils.getComponentFileName(uidl)
          dependencies[componentName] = constructLocalDependency(fileName)

          routesAST = createPageRouteAST(componentName)
          ngModuleAST = createPageModuleModuleDecorator(componentName)
          moduleDecoratorAST = createExportModuleAST(uidl.outputOptions.moduleName)

          // Acording to widely followed convention module should have .module in its name
          uidl.outputOptions.fileName = fileName.replace('.component', '.module')
      case 'component':
          dependencies.CommonModule = ANGULAR_COMMON_MODULE

          // Looping through all components and importing them into component module