How to use the @scion/microfrontend-platform.MicrofrontendPlatform.forClient function in @scion/microfrontend-platform

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @scion/microfrontend-platform examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SchweizerischeBundesbahnen / scion-workbench / apps / microfrontend-apps / src / testing-app / testing-app-platform-initializer.resolver.ts View on Github external
private startClientPlatform(port: number): Promise {
    Beans.get(PlatformState).whenState(PlatformStates.Starting).then(() => {
      Beans.register(NgZone, {useValue: this._zone});
      Beans.registerDecorator(MessageClient, {useClass: AngularZoneMessageClientDecorator});

    return MicrofrontendPlatform.forClient({symbolicName: `app-${port}`});