How to use @remixproject/engine - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @remixproject/engine examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ethereum / remix-ide / src / app / components / plugin-manager-component.js View on Github external
async openLocalPlugin () {
    try {
      const profile = await
      if (!profile) return
      if (this.appManager.getIds().includes( {
        throw new Error('This name has already been used')
      this.appManager.registerOne(new IframePlugin(profile))
    } catch (err) {
      // TODO : Use an alert to handle this error instead of a console.log
      console.log(`Cannot create Plugin : ${err.message}`)
      addToolTip(`Cannot create Plugin : ${err.message}`)
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
url: '//',
      icon: '//',
      documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
events: [],
      methods: [],
      url: '//',
      icon: '//',
      documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
icon: '//',
      documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
methods: [],
      url: '//',
      icon: '//',
      documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))
github ethereum / remix-ide / src / remixAppManager.js View on Github external
name: 'quorum',
      displayName: 'Quorum Network',
      description: 'Deploy and interact with private contracts on a Quorum network.',
      events: [],
      methods: [],
      url: '//',
      icon: '//',
      documentation: '',
      version: '0.1.4-beta',
      location: 'sidePanel'
    const res = await fetch(this.pluginsDirectory)
    const plugins = await res.json()
    return [
      new IframePlugin(pipeline),
      new IframePlugin(provable),
      new IframePlugin(threeBox),
      new IframePlugin(debugPlugin),
      new IframePlugin(libraTools),
      new IframePlugin(oneClickDapp),
      new IframePlugin(gasProfiler),
      new IframePlugin(flattener),
      new IframePlugin(ethpm),
      new IframePlugin(zokrates),
      new IframePlugin(quorum), => new IframePlugin(plugin))


This is the core library used to create a new plugin engine.

Latest version published 2 years ago

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