How to use the @polkadot/ui-keyring.addPair function in @polkadot/ui-keyring

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @polkadot/ui-keyring examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github polkadot-js / apps / packages / app-accounts / src / modals / Derive.tsx View on Github external
function createAccount (source: KeyringPair, suri: string, name: string, password: string, success: string): ActionStatus {
  // we will fill in all the details below
  const status = { action: 'create' } as ActionStatus;

  try {
    const derived = source.derive(suri);

    derived.setMeta({ ...derived.meta, name, tags: [] });

    const result = keyring.addPair(derived, password || '');
    const { address } = result.pair;

    status.account = address;
    status.status = 'success';
    status.message = success;

  } catch (error) {
    status.status = 'error';
    status.message = error.message;

  return status;