How to use the @pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout/react.js.EqualColumnLayout.counts function in @pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pluralsight / design-system / packages / site / pages / patterns / voice-tone.js View on Github external
Our writing voice is friendly, as if you’re speaking to a relative or
        colleague. We don’t want to come across as stuffy or as if we’re talking
        down to our reader, but we do want to come across as credible and
        knowledgeable. This does not mean that you should forgo basic style
        guidelines. But, it does mean that you shouldn’t be afraid to start a
        sentence with conjunctions like “but” or “and.” You should also use
        contractions (didn’t, don’t, haven’t, hadn’t) freely.
        We follow three principles in our messaging: Be confident. Be
        enthusiastic. Be clever.
            Be simple and direct. Avoid long, hard words and formal language.
            Try not to say too many things at once. Avoid hedging language and
            evasive phrases such as “seems like” and “according to.” Steer clear
            of empty words like “world class,” “robustandhigh quality.”
            Stay positive by avoiding comparisons designed to elevate one idea
            by diminishing another. Assume success and stay away from fear.</p></div>
github pluralsight / design-system / packages / site / pages / patterns / voice-tone.js View on Github external
more inclusive and encouraging to the learner. To show that we're on
        this learning journey with them. Read more in the{' '}
          challenge writing styleguide


      Capitalization &amp; punctuation
          Write headlines in sentence case, meaning only capitalize the first
          word and any proper nouns.
        Measure your skills
        <p>Only punctuate a headline when it uses more than one sentence.</p>
        Measure your skills. Learn something new. 
          We do not use a serial comma, a comma in front of the conjunction
          connecting list items.
          At Pluralsight we are big fans of pizza, Indian and Chinese food.


Design system components for ui layouts

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