How to use the @pixi/math.Matrix function in @pixi/math

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pixi/math examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / particles / src / ParticleRenderer.js View on Github external
// 65535 is max vertex index in the index buffer (see ParticleRenderer)
        // so max number of particles is 65536 / 4 = 16384
        // and max number of element in the index buffer is 16384 * 6 = 98304
        // Creating a full index buffer, overhead is 98304 * 2 = 196Ko
        // let numIndices = 98304;

         * The default shader that is used if a sprite doesn't have a more specific one.
         * @member {PIXI.Shader}
        this.shader = null; = null;

        this.tempMatrix = new Matrix(); = [
            // verticesData
                attributeName: 'aVertexPosition',
                size: 2,
                uploadFunction: this.uploadVertices,
                offset: 0,
            // positionData
                attributeName: 'aPositionCoord',
                size: 2,
                uploadFunction: this.uploadPosition,
                offset: 0,
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / graphics / src / Graphics.js View on Github external
if (!this.shader)
                // if there is no shader here, we can use the default shader.
                // and that only gets created if we actually need it..
                if (!defaultShader)
                    const sampleValues = new Int32Array(16);

                    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                        sampleValues[i] = i;

                    const uniforms = {
                        tint: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
                        translationMatrix: new Matrix(),
                        default: UniformGroup.from({ uSamplers: sampleValues }, true),

                    // we can bbase default shader of the batch renderers program
                    const program =  renderer.plugins.batch._shader.program;

                    defaultShader = new Shader(program, uniforms);

                this.shader = defaultShader;

            const uniforms = this.shader.uniforms;

            // lets set the transfomr
            uniforms.translationMatrix = this.transform.worldTransform;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / mixin-cache-as-bitmap / src / index.js View on Github external
import { Texture, BaseTexture, RenderTexture } from '@pixi/core';
import { Sprite } from '@pixi/sprite';
import { DisplayObject } from '@pixi/display';
import { Matrix } from '@pixi/math';
import { uid } from '@pixi/utils';
import { settings } from '@pixi/settings';

const _tempMatrix = new Matrix();

DisplayObject.prototype._cacheAsBitmap = false;
DisplayObject.prototype._cacheData = false;

// figured theres no point adding ALL the extra variables to prototype.
// this model can hold the information needed. This can also be generated on demand as
// most objects are not cached as bitmaps.
 * @class
 * @ignore
class CacheData
        this.textureCacheId = null;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / display / src / TransformBase.js View on Github external
         * The global matrix transform. It can be swapped temporarily by some functions like getLocalBounds()
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
        this.worldTransform = new Matrix();

         * The local matrix transform
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
        this.localTransform = new Matrix();

        this._worldID = 0;
        this._parentID = 0;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / display / src / TransformBase.js View on Github external
         * The global matrix transform. It can be swapped temporarily by some functions like getLocalBounds()
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
        this.worldTransform = new Matrix();

         * The local matrix transform
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
        this.localTransform = new Matrix();

        this._worldID = 0;
        this._parentID = 0;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / Renderer.js View on Github external
this.runners = {
            destroy: new Runner('destroy'),
            contextChange: new Runner('contextChange', 1),
            reset: new Runner('reset'),
            update: new Runner('update'),
            postrender: new Runner('postrender'),
            prerender: new Runner('prerender'),
            resize: new Runner('resize', 2),

         * Global uniforms
         * @member {PIXI.UniformGroup}
        this.globalUniforms = new UniformGroup({
            projectionMatrix: new Matrix(),
        }, true);

         * Mask system instance
         * @member {} mask
         * @memberof PIXI.Renderer#
         * @readonly
        this.addSystem(MaskSystem, 'mask')
             * Context system instance
             * @member {} context
             * @memberof PIXI.Renderer#
             * @readonly
            .addSystem(ContextSystem, 'context')
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / canvas / canvas-sprite / src / CanvasSpriteRenderer.js View on Github external
import { SCALE_MODES, BLEND_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { Matrix, GroupD8 } from '@pixi/math';
import { CanvasTinter } from '@pixi/canvas-renderer';

const canvasRenderWorldTransform = new Matrix();

 * Types that can be passed to drawImage
 * @typedef {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement | ImageBitmap} ICanvasImageSource
 * @memberof PIXI

 * @author Mat Groves
 * Big thanks to the very clever Matt DesLauriers
 * for creating the original PixiJS version!
 * Also a thanks to for tweaking the tint and alpha so that they now
 * share 4 bytes on the vertex buffer
 * Heavily inspired by LibGDX's CanvasSpriteRenderer:
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / projection / ProjectionSystem.js View on Github external
        this.sourceFrame = null;

         * Default destination frame
         * @member {PIXI.Rectangle}
         * @readonly
        this.defaultFrame = null;

         * Project matrix
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
         * @readonly
        this.projectionMatrix = new Matrix();

         * A transform that will be appended to the projection matrix
         * if null, nothing will be applied
         * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
        this.transform = null;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite-tiling / src / TilingSpriteRenderer.js View on Github external
import { ObjectRenderer, Shader, State, QuadUv } from '@pixi/core';
import { WRAP_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { Matrix } from '@pixi/math';
import { premultiplyTintToRgba, correctBlendMode } from '@pixi/utils';

import vertex from './tilingSprite.vert';
import fragment from './tilingSprite.frag';
import fragmentSimple from './tilingSprite_simple.frag';

const tempMat = new Matrix();

 * WebGL renderer plugin for tiling sprites
 * @class
 * @memberof PIXI
 * @extends PIXI.ObjectRenderer
export class TilingSpriteRenderer extends ObjectRenderer
     * constructor for renderer
     * @param {PIXI.Renderer} renderer The renderer this tiling awesomeness works for.
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / batch / BatchShaderGenerator.js View on Github external
sampleValues[i] = i;

            this.defaultGroupCache[maxTextures] = UniformGroup.from({ uSamplers: sampleValues }, true);

            let fragmentSrc = this.fragTemplate;

            fragmentSrc = fragmentSrc.replace(/%count%/gi, `${maxTextures}`);
            fragmentSrc = fragmentSrc.replace(/%forloop%/gi, this.generateSampleSrc(maxTextures));

            this.programCache[maxTextures] = new Program(this.vertexSrc, fragmentSrc);

        const uniforms = {
            tint: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
            translationMatrix: new Matrix(),
            default: this.defaultGroupCache[maxTextures],

        return new Shader(this.programCache[maxTextures], uniforms);