How to use the @pixi/core.Texture.EMPTY function in @pixi/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pixi/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite / src / Sprite.js View on Github external
set texture(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (this._texture === value)

        this._texture = value || Texture.EMPTY;
        this.cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

        this._textureID = -1;
        this._textureTrimmedID = -1;

        if (value)
            // wait for the texture to load
            if (value.baseTexture.valid)
                value.once('update', this._onTextureUpdate, this);
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite / src / Sprite.js View on Github external
set texture(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (this._texture === value)

        if (this._texture)
  'update', this._onTextureUpdate, this);

        this._texture = value || Texture.EMPTY;
        this._cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

        this._textureID = -1;
        this._textureTrimmedID = -1;

        if (value)
            // wait for the texture to load
            if (value.baseTexture.valid)
                value.once('update', this._onTextureUpdate, this);
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite / src / Sprite.js View on Github external
         * @member {PIXI.Filter|PIXI.Shader}
        this.shader = null;

         * An internal cached value of the tint.
         * @private
         * @member {number}
         * @default 0xFFFFFF
        this.cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

        // call texture setter
        this.texture = texture || Texture.EMPTY;

         * this is used to store the vertex data of the sprite (basically a quad)
         * @private
         * @member {Float32Array}
        this.vertexData = new Float32Array(8);

         * This is used to calculate the bounds of the object IF it is a trimmed sprite
         * @private
         * @member {Float32Array}
        this.vertexTrimmedData = null;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite / src / Sprite.js View on Github external
* @member {number}
         * @default 0xFFFFFF
        this._cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

         * this is used to store the uvs data of the sprite, assigned at the same time
         * as the vertexData in calculateVertices()
         * @private
         * @member {Float32Array}
        this.uvs = null;

        // call texture setter
        this.texture = texture || Texture.EMPTY;

         * this is used to store the vertex data of the sprite (basically a quad)
         * @private
         * @member {Float32Array}
        this.vertexData = new Float32Array(8);

         * This is used to calculate the bounds of the object IF it is a trimmed sprite
         * @private
         * @member {Float32Array}
        this.vertexTrimmedData = null;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / mesh-extras / src / SimpleMesh.js View on Github external
    constructor(texture = Texture.EMPTY, vertices, uvs, indices, drawMode)
        const geometry = new MeshGeometry(vertices, uvs, indices);

        geometry.getBuffer('aVertexPosition').static = false;

        const meshMaterial = new MeshMaterial(texture);

        super(geometry, meshMaterial, null, drawMode);

         * upload vertices buffer each frame
         * @member {boolean}
        this.autoUpdate = true;