How to use @paprika/helpers - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @paprika/helpers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github acl-services / paprika / packages / Modal / src / Modal.js View on Github external
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,

  /** Control the visibility of the modal */
  isOpen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,

  /** Callback triggered when the modal needs to be close */
  onClose: PropTypes.func,

  /** Callback once the modal has been opened event */
  onAfterOpen: PropTypes.func,

  /** Callback once the modal has been closed event */
  onAfterClose: PropTypes.func,

  /* Control the size (max-width) of the modal */
  size: PropTypes.oneOf(ShirtSizes.DEFAULT),

  a11yText: PropTypes.string,

const defaultProps = {
  onAfterClose: () => {},
  onClose: () => {},
  onAfterOpen: () => {},
  size: ShirtSizes.MEDIUM,
  a11yText: null,

const Modal = props => {
  const { isOpen, onClose, onAfterClose, onAfterOpen, size, a11yText, ...moreProps } = props;

  const {
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Input / src / Input.js View on Github external
const renderClear = () => {
    const { hasClearButton, isDisabled, isReadOnly, size, value } = props;
    if (!hasClearButton || isDisabled || isReadOnly || !value) return null;
    const iconSize = size === ShirtSizes.LARGE ? ShirtSizes.MEDIUM : ShirtSizes.SMALL;
    return (
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Spinner / src / Spinner.js View on Github external
import classNames from "classnames";
import { ShirtSizes } from "@paprika/helpers/lib/customPropTypes";
import SpinnerStyles from "./Spinner.styles";

const propTypes = {
  a11yText: PropTypes.string,
  className: PropTypes.string,
  caption: PropTypes.string,
  size: PropTypes.oneOf(ShirtSizes.DEFAULT),

const defaultProps = {
  a11yText: null,
  className: null,
  caption: null,
  size: ShirtSizes.MEDIUM,

const spinnerSize = {
  large: "spinner--large",
  medium: "spinner--medium",
  small: "spinner--small",

const Spinner = ({ a11yText, className, caption, size, ...moreProps }) => {
  const rootClasses = classNames(className, spinnerSize[size]);

  const bestAria = a11yText || caption || "Loading"; // TODO: l10n

  return (
    <div data-pka-anchor="spinner">
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Button / src / Button.styles.js View on Github external

const activeStyles = `
  box-shadow: ${};
  border-color: ${};

// Sizes

const sizeStyles = {
  [ShirtSizes.SMALL]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(3)};
    padding: 3px ${};
  [ShirtSizes.MEDIUM]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(4)};
    padding: 6.5px ${tokens.spaceLg};
  [ShirtSizes.LARGE]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(5)};
    padding: 9px ${stylers.spacer(2)};

// Kinds

const kindStyles = props => ({
  [Kinds.DEFAULT]: `
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Button / src / Button.styles.js View on Github external
&, &:hover {
    background: none;
    border-color: transparent;

const activeStyles = `
  box-shadow: ${};
  border-color: ${};

// Sizes

const sizeStyles = {
  [ShirtSizes.SMALL]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(3)};
    padding: 3px ${};
  [ShirtSizes.MEDIUM]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(4)};
    padding: 6.5px ${tokens.spaceLg};
  [ShirtSizes.LARGE]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(5)};
    padding: 9px ${stylers.spacer(2)};
github acl-services / paprika / packages / SidePanel / src / components / Header / Header.js View on Github external
// injected by Dialog.js
  } = props;

  return (
    <div kind="{kind}" data-pka-anchor="sidepanel.header">
      <div tabindex="-1">{props.children}</div>
        {hasCloseButton ? (
        ) : null}
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Button / src / Button.styles.js View on Github external

// Sizes

const sizeStyles = {
  [ShirtSizes.SMALL]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(3)};
    padding: 3px ${};
  [ShirtSizes.MEDIUM]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(4)};
    padding: 6.5px ${tokens.spaceLg};
  [ShirtSizes.LARGE]: `
    min-height: ${stylers.spacer(5)};
    padding: 9px ${stylers.spacer(2)};

// Kinds

const kindStyles = props => ({
  [Kinds.DEFAULT]: `

    background-image: linear-gradient(${tokens.color.blackLighten90}, ${tokens.color.blackLighten70});
    background-color: ${tokens.color.white};
    border-color: ${tokens.border.color};
    color: ${};
github acl-services / paprika / packages / DropdownMenu / src / DropdownMenu.js View on Github external

    if (triggerRef.current) triggerRef.current.focus();

  const handleOpenMenu = () => {
    // Todo Should focus the first item via an onAfterOpen event callback in popover
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 250);

  const extractedChildren = extractChildren(children, ["DropdownMenu.Trigger"]);

  const dropdownLastItemIndex =
        child =>
          child.type &&
          (child.type.displayName === "DropdownMenu.Item" || child.type.displayName === "DropdownMenu.LinkItem")
    ).length - 1;

  const onKeyDown = (event, currentIndex) => {
    if (event.key === "ArrowDown") {
      const indexToFocus = currentIndex === dropdownLastItemIndex ? 0 : currentIndex + 1;
    } else if (event.key === "ArrowUp") {
      const indexToFocus = currentIndex === 0 ? dropdownLastItemIndex : currentIndex - 1;
github acl-services / paprika / packages / Takeover / src / Takeover.js View on Github external
const Takeover = props => {
  const { isOpen, onClose, onAfterClose, onAfterOpen, ...moreProps } = props;

  function handleTransitionEnter(node) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions

  const {
    "Takeover.FocusTrap": focusTrapExtracted,
    "Takeover.Header": headerExtracted,
    "Takeover.Content": contentExtracted,
  } = extractChildren(moreProps.children, ["Takeover.FocusTrap", "Takeover.Header", "Takeover.Content"]);

  const extendedFocusTrapOptions = focusTrapExtracted ? focusTrapExtracted.props : {};

  const focusTrapOptions = {
    fallbackFocus: () => document.createElement("div"),

  function handleEscKey(event) {
    if (event.key === "Escape") {

github acl-services / paprika / packages / DataTable / src / components / RowHeight / RowHeight.js View on Github external
export default function RowHeight(props) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const state = useDataTableState();
  const values = [size.XSMALL, size.SMALL, size.MEDIUM, size.LARGE];
  const heights = {
    [size.XSMALL]: 32,
    [size.SMALL]: 55,
    [size.MEDIUM]: 87,
    [size.LARGE]: 127,

  // just want to fire this the first time
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (typeof state.rowHeight === "undefined" || state.rowHeight === null) {
      const index = getIndexByValue(props.defaultHeight, values);
      dispatch({ type: "ROW_HEIGHT", payload: { index: 0, value: heights[values[index]] } || 0 });
  }, []); // eslint-disable-line

  const handleClick = () => {
    const nextIndex = getNextIndex(state.rowHeight.index, values);
    dispatch({ type: "ROW_HEIGHT", payload: { index: nextIndex, value: heights[values[nextIndex]] } });