How to use the @oclif/command.flags.string function in @oclif/command

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @oclif/command examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github celo-org / celo-monorepo / packages / cli / src / base.ts View on Github external
// TODO(yorke): implement log(msg) switch on logLevel with chalk colored output
  log(msg: string, logLevel: string = 'info') {
    if (logLevel === 'info') {
    } else if (logLevel === 'error') {

// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
export abstract class BaseCommand extends LocalCommand {
  static flags = {
    privateKey: flags.string({ hidden: true }),
    node: flags.string({ char: 'n', hidden: true }),

  // This specifies whether the node needs to be synced before the command
  // can be run. In most cases, this should be `true`, so that's the default.
  // For commands that don't require the node is synced, add the following line
  // to its definition:
  //   requireSynced = false
  public requireSynced: boolean = true

  private _web3: Web3 | null = null
  private _kit: ContractKit | null = null

  // This is required since we wrap the provider with a debug provider and
  // there is no way to unwrap the provider afterwards.
  // We need access to the original provider, so that, we can close it.
  private _originalProvider: any | null = null
github ArkEcosystem / core / deprecated / core-snapshots-cli / src / commands / restore.ts View on Github external
import { SnapshotManager } from "@arkecosystem/core-snapshots";
import { flags } from "@oclif/command";
import _cliProgress from "cli-progress";
import { setUpLite } from "../utils";
import { BaseCommand } from "./command";

export class RestoreCommand extends BaseCommand {
    public static description: string = "import data from specified snapshot";

    public static flags = {
        blocks: flags.string({
            description: "blocks to import, correlates to folder name",
            required: true,
        codec: flags.string({
            description: "codec name, default is msg-lite binary",
        truncate: flags.boolean({
            description: "empty all tables before running import",
        skipRestartRound: flags.boolean({
            description: "skip revert to current round",
        signatureVerify: flags.boolean({
            description: "signature verification",

    public async run(): Promise {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-shadowed-variable
        const { flags } = this.parse(RestoreCommand);
github GetStream / stream-cli / src / commands / chat / reaction / create.js View on Github external

            this.log('Your reaction has been created.');
        } catch (error) {
            this.error(error || 'A Stream CLI error has occurred.', {
                exit: 1,

ReactionCreate.flags = {
    channel: flags.string({
        char: 'c',
        description: 'The unique identifier for the channel.',
        required: false,
    type: flags.string({
        char: 't',
        description: 'The type of channel.',
        options: ['livestream', 'messaging', 'gaming', 'commerce', 'team'],
        required: false,
    message: flags.string({
        char: 'c',
        description: 'The unique identifier for the message.',
        required: false,
    reaction: flags.string({
github anttiviljami / openapicmd / src / commands / swagger-ui.ts View on Github external
} from '../common/swagger-ui';

export default class SwaggerUI extends Command {
  public static description = 'serve or bundle a Swagger UI instance';

  public static examples = ['$ openapi swagger-ui', '$ openapi swagger-ui ./openapi.yml'];

  public static flags = {,
    bundle: flags.string({
      char: 'B',
      description: 'bundle a static site to directory',
      helpValue: 'outDir',
    proxy: flags.boolean({
      description: 'set up a proxy for the api to avoid CORS issues',
      exclusive: ['bundle'],

  public static args = [
      name: 'definition',
      description: 'input definition file',
github box / boxcli / src / commands / retention-policies / file-version-retentions / index.js View on Github external
'disposition-action': flags.string({
		description: 'A disposition action to filter by',
		options: [
	'disposition-after': flags.string({
		description: 'A date to filter retention policies that complete after a certain time',
		parse: input => BoxCommand.normalizeDateString(input),
	'disposition-before': flags.string({
		description: 'A date to filter retention policies that complete before a certain time',
		parse: input => BoxCommand.normalizeDateString(input),
	'file-id': flags.string({ description: 'A file id to filter the file version retentions by' }),
	'file-version-id': flags.string({ description: 'A file version id to filter the file version retentions by' }),
	'policy-id': flags.string({ description: 'A policy id to filter the file version retentions by' })

module.exports = RetentionPoliciesListVersionRetentionCommand;
github GetStream / stream-cli / src / commands / chat / log / index.js View on Github external

Log.flags = {
	channel: flags.string({
		char: 'c',
		description: 'The channel ID you wish to log.',
		required: false,
	type: flags.string({
		char: 't',
		description: 'The type of channel.',
		required: false,
	event: flags.string({
		char: 'e',
		description: 'The type of event you want to listen on.',
		options: [
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / Command.ts View on Github external
config: flags.string({
      char: "c",
      description: "Path to your Apollo config file"
    header: flags.string({
      multiple: true,
      parse: header => {
        const separatorIndex = header.indexOf(":");
        const key = header.substring(0, separatorIndex).trim();
        const value = header.substring(separatorIndex + 1).trim();
        return JSON.stringify({ [key]: value });
        "Additional header to send to server for introspectionQuery. May be used multiple times to add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header` flag."
    endpoint: flags.string({
      description: "The url of your service"
    key: flags.string({
      description: "The API key for the Apollo Engine service",
      default: () => process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY
    engine: flags.string({
      description: "Reporting URL for a custom Apollo Engine deployment",
      hidden: true
    frontend: flags.string({
      description: "URL for a custom Apollo Engine frontend",
      hidden: true
github GetStream / stream-cli / src / commands / chat / channel / query.js View on Github external
channel: flags.string({
		char: 'c',
		description: 'The unique identifier for the channel you want to query.',
		required: false,
	type: flags.string({
		char: 't',
		description: 'Type of channel.',
		required: false,
	filter: flags.string({
		char: 'f',
		description: 'Filters to apply to the query.',
		required: false,
	sort: flags.string({
		char: 's',
		description: 'Sort to apply to the query.',
		required: false,
	json: flags.boolean({
		char: 'j',
			'Output results in JSON. When not specified, returns output in a human friendly format.',
		required: false,

ChannelQuery.description = 'Queries all channels.';

module.exports.ChannelQuery = ChannelQuery;
github lumigo-io / lumigo-CLI / src / commands / powertune-lambda.js View on Github external
required: true,
		options: ["cost", "speed", "balanced"]
	invocations: flags.integer({
		char: "i",
		description: "the number of invocations to run for each configuration",
		required: false,
		default: 100
	payload: flags.string({
		char: "e",
		description: "the JSON payload to send to the function",
		required: false,
		default: "{}"
	file: flags.string({
		char: "f",
		description: "file that contains the JSON payload to send to the function",
		required: false,
		exclusive: ["payload"]
	balancedWeight: flags.string({
		char: "w",
			'the trade-off between cost and time, 0.0 is equivalent to "speed" strategy, 1.0 is equivalent to "cost" strategy',
		required: false,
		parse: x => parseFloat(x)
	powerValues: flags.string({
		char: "v",
			"comma-separated list of power values to be tested, e.g. 128,256,512,1024",
github rucken / cli / src / commands / generator-library-to-application.ts View on Github external
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
import { join, resolve } from 'path';
import { loadJson, loadPackageJson, runCommand, schematicsCommandBuilder } from '../utils/schematics-command-builder';
import { Prepare } from './prepare';

export class LibraryToApplication extends Command {
  static aliases = ['library-to-application', 'lib-to-app', 'lib2app'];
  static description = 'Linking the library to the application, based on the Rucken template';
  static flags = {
    type: flags.string({ char: 't', description: 'Type(s) of applications.', multiple: true, options: ['frontend', 'nestjs', 'all'] }),

    lib: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the library.' }),
    frontendLib: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the frontend library.' }),
    nestjsLib: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the nestjs library.' }),

    app: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the application.' }),
    frontendApp: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the frontend application.' }),
    nestjsApp: flags.string({ description: 'The name of the nestjs application.' }),

    frontendTemplate: flags.string({ description: 'Frontend library generator', default: '@rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-to-app' }),
    nestjsTemplate: flags.string({ description: 'Linking the library to the backend application on NestJS', default: '@rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-nestjs-to-app' }),
    workspace: flags.string({ char: 'w', description: 'The workspace directory name.' }),
    help:{ char: 'h' })
  static args = [{ name: 'name' }];
  async run() {
    require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 100;
    const { args, flags } = this.parse(LibraryToApplication);
    const workspace = flags.workspace;
    const packageJson: any = loadPackageJson(join(workspace || process.cwd(), 'package.json'));
    const angularJson: any = loadJson(join(workspace || process.cwd(), 'angular.json'));