How to use the @ngrx/schematics/schematics-core.isLib function in @ngrx/schematics

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ngrx/schematics examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ngrx / platform / modules / schematics / src / store / index.ts View on Github external

    if (
      options.root &&
      options.stateInterface &&
      options.stateInterface !== 'State'
    ) {
      options.stateInterface = stringUtils.classify(options.stateInterface);

    const templateSource = apply(url('./files'), [
      options.root && options.minimal ? filter(_ => false) : noop(),
        ...(options as object),
        isLib: isLib(host, options),

    return chain([
        chain([addImportToNgModule(options), mergeWith(templateSource)])
    ])(host, context);