How to use the @nestjs/terminus.HealthCheck function in @nestjs/terminus

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @nestjs/terminus examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github autoai-org / AID / components / discovery / src / systems / systems.controller.ts View on Github external
private readonly dns: DNSHealthIndicator,
        private readonly mongo: MongooseHealthIndicator,
    ) {


    async fetchStats(): Promise {
        return {
            'user_count': await this.userService.count(),
            'model_count': await this.modelService.count()
    check() {
            () => this.dns.pingCheck('aid-docs', '')
            //() => this.mongo.pingCheck('aid-database', { connection: config.MONGO_URI })


Terminus integration provides readiness/liveness health checks for NestJS.

Latest version published 5 months ago

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86 / 100
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