How to use @nestjs/swagger - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @nestjs/swagger examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kuangshp / nestjs-mysql-api / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
    cors: true, // 设置跨站访问
    logger: false,
  // 配置api文档信息
  const options = new DocumentBuilder()
    .setTitle('nestjs api文档')
    .setDescription('nestjs api接口文档')

  const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
  SwaggerModule.setup(`${PREFIX}/docs`, app, document);

  // 访问频率限制
      windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15分钟
      max: 100, // 限制15分钟内最多只能访问100次
github FunnyLiu / nestDemo / serve-data / src / product / product.controller.ts View on Github external
export class ProductController {

    private readonly productService: ProductService,
    // private readonly redisService: RedisService
  ) {}

  private readonly logger = new Logger(

  @ApiOperation({ title: 'Get all products' })
  @ApiImplicitQuery({ name:'name', type: 'string', description:'product name',required: false})
  @ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: 'Return all products.'})
  async findAll(@Query() query): Promise {
    //use redis
    // await this.redisService.set('foo','hehe')
    // console.log(await this.redisService.get('foo'))
    return await this.productService.findAll(query);

  @ApiOperation({ title: 'Create product' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: 201, description: 'The product has been successfully created.'})
  @ApiResponse({ status: 403, description: 'Forbidden.' })
  @UsePipes(new ValidationPipe({whitelist: true,forbidNonWhitelisted: true }))
  async create(@Body() productData:CreateProductDto) {
    return this.productService.create(productData)
github xmlking / ngx-starter-kit / apps / api / src / app / user / profile / profile.controller.ts View on Github external
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { FileInterceptor } from '@nestjs/platform-express';
import { ApiBody, ApiConsumes, ApiOAuth2, ApiOperation, ApiTags } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { CurrentUser, Roles, RolesEnum } from '../../auth/decorators';
import { CrudController } from '../../core';
import { User } from '../user.entity';
import { CreateProfileDto } from './dto/create-profile.dto';
import { ProfileList } from './dto/profile-list.model';
import { Profile } from './profile.entity';
import { ProfileService } from './profile.service';
// UserModule -> SharedModule -> AuthModule -> UserModule, so

const ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES = ['image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/webp'];

@ApiTags('Profile', 'User')
export class ProfileController extends CrudController {
  constructor(private readonly profileService: ProfileService) {

  @ApiOperation({ summary: 'get CurrentUser Profile' })
  async myProfile(@CurrentUser() user: User): Promise {
    console.log('in myprofile', user.profileId);
    if (user.profileId) {
      // TODO:
      return this.profileService.findOne(user.profileId);
    } else {
      throw new NotFoundException('No Profile Found');
github xmlking / ngx-starter-kit / apps / api / src / app / user / profile / profile.controller.ts View on Github external
  async findAll(): Promise {
    return this.profileService.findAll();

  @ApiOperation({ summary: 'Find Profile by id. Admins only' })
  async findById(@Param('id', new ParseUUIDPipe({ version: '4' })) id: string): Promise {
    console.log('in findById', id);
    return this.profileService.findOne(id);

  @ApiOperation({ summary: 'Create new Profile.' })
  // TODO @ApiImplicitFile({ name: 'file', required: true, description: 'Profile Picture' })
  // @ApiBody({
  //   description: 'Profile Picture',
  //   type: CreateProfileDto,
  // })
    FileInterceptor('file', {
      fileFilter: (req, file, cb) => {
        if (ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.indexOf(file.mimetype) === -1) {
          return cb(
            new BadRequestException(
              `Error! Incorrect mimetype '${file.mimetype}'. Correct: ${ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.join(', ')}`,
github qas / examples-nodejs-cqrs-es-swagger / src / users / controllers / users.controller.ts View on Github external
return this.usersService.createUser({...{userId}, ...userDto});

  /* Update User */
  @ApiOperation({ title: 'Update User' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: 'Update User.' })
  async updateUser(@Param() userId: UserIdRequestParamsDto, @Body() userDto: UserDto) {
    return this.usersService.updateUser({...userId, ...userDto});

  /* Delete User */
  @ApiOperation({ title: 'Delete User' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: 'Delete User.' })
  async deleteUser(@Param() userId: UserIdRequestParamsDto) {
    return this.usersService.deleteUser(userId);

  /* TODO: List Users */
  @ApiOperation({ title: 'List Users' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: 'List Users.' })
  async findUsers(@Param() param) {
    return this.usersService.findUsers();

  /* TODO: Find User */
github nayutaco / ptarmigan / ptarmapi / src / ptarmigan / ptarmigan.controller.ts View on Github external
    @Post('close') // close -> closechannel
    async executeCloseChannel(@Body() dto: PeerNodeDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('close', [dto.peerNodeId, '', 0]);

    @Post('forceclose') // close -> closechannel
    async executeForceCloseChannel(@Body() dto: PeerNodeDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('close', [dto.peerNodeId, '', 0, 'force']);

    @Post('dev-removechannel/:channelId') // removechannel -> dev-removechannel
    async executeRemoveChannel(@Param('channelId') channelId: string) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('removechannel', [channelId]);

    @Post('resetroutestate') // removechannel -> dev-removechannel
    async executeResetRouteState() {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('resetroutestate', []);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // payment
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
github nayutaco / ptarmigan / ptarmapi / src / ptarmigan / ptarmigan.controller.ts View on Github external
async executeGetLastErrort(@Body() dto: PeerNodeDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('getlasterror', [dto.peerNodeId, '', 0]);

    @Post('dev-disautoconn') // disautoconn -> dev-disableautoconnect
        name: 'enable',
        enum: [0, 1],
    async executeDisAutoConn(@Query('enable') enable: number) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('disautoconn', [enable.toString(10)]);

    @Post('dev-listtransactions') // getcommittx -> dev-listtransactions
    async executeGetCommitTx(@Body() dto: PeerNodeDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('getcommittx', [dto.peerNodeId, '', 0]);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // channel
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Post('openchannel') // fund -> openchannel
    async executeOpenChannel(@Body() dto: FundDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.commandExecuteOpenChannel(dto.peerNodeId, dto.fundingSat, dto.pushMsat, dto.feeratePerKw);
github nayutaco / ptarmigan / ptarmapi / src / ptarmigan / ptarmigan.controller.ts View on Github external
async executeListPaymentState(@Body() dto: ListPaymentDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('listpayment', [dto.listpayment]);

    @Post('removepayment') // removepayment -> removepayment
    async executeRemovePaymentState(@Body() dto: PaymentIdDto) {
        return await this.ptarmiganService.requestTCP('removepayment', [dto.paymentId]);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // fund
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Post('getwalletinfo') // getnewaddress
    async executeGetWalletInfo(): Promise {
        return await this.bitcoinService.requestHTTP('getwalletinfo', []);

    @Post('getnewaddress') // getnewaddress
    async executeGetNewAddress(): Promise {
        return await this.bitcoinService.requestHTTP('getnewaddress', ['', 'p2sh-segwit']);

    @Post('listunspent') // listunspent
github Coding-Coach / find-a-mentor-api / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  app.enableCors({ origin: process.env.CORS_ORIGIN || /codingcoach\.io$/ });
  const options = new DocumentBuilder()
    .setTitle('Coding Coach')
    .setDescription('A REST API for the coding coach platform')

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    // We want to get the swagger docs only on development
    const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);

    document.schemes = ['https', 'http'];
    fs.writeFileSync('./docs/cc-api-spec.json', JSON.stringify(document));

    SwaggerModule.setup('/docs', app, document);

  await app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
github rucken / core-nestjs / apps / demo / src / main.ts View on Github external
   * Init swagger
  let documentBuilder = new DocumentBuilder()
    .setExternalDoc('Project on Github', config.project.package.homepage)
    .setLicense(config.project.package.license, '')
    .addBearerAuth('Authorization', 'header');
  documentBuilder = documentBuilder.setSchemes(
    config.env.protocol === 'https' ? 'https' : 'http',
    config.env.protocol === 'https' ? 'http' : 'https'
  SwaggerModule.setup('/swagger', app, SwaggerModule.createDocument(app,;

   * Start nest application
  await app.listen(config.env.port);

  /* hmr
  if ( {; => app.close());