How to use the @microsoft/fast-web-utilities.Direction.ltr function in @microsoft/fast-web-utilities

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @microsoft/fast-web-utilities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-react-base / src / slider / slider.spec.tsx View on Github external
test("direction is set after component has mounted", (): void => {
        const container: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement("div");

        const rendered: any = mount(
                attachTo: container,

github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-react-base / src / horizontal-overflow / horizontal-overflow.tsx View on Github external
private isMovingNext(direction: ButtonDirection, ltr: Direction): boolean {
        return (
            (direction === && ltr === Direction.ltr) ||
            (direction === ButtonDirection.previous && ltr === Direction.rtl)
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-styles-msft / src / design-system / index.ts View on Github external
* Color swatch deltas for the neutral-outline recipe.
    neutralOutlineRestDelta: number;
    neutralOutlineHoverDelta: number;
    neutralOutlineActiveDelta: number;
    neutralOutlineFocusDelta: number;

const designSystemDefaults: DesignSystem = {
    backgroundColor: white,
    contrast: 0,
    density: 0,
    designUnit: 4,
    baseHeightMultiplier: 8,
    baseHorizontalSpacingMultiplier: 3,
    direction: Direction.ltr,
    cornerRadius: 2,
    elevatedCornerRadius: 4,
    focusOutlineWidth: 2,
    fontWeight: defaultFontWeights,
    disabledOpacity: 0.3,
    outlineWidth: 1,
    accentBaseColor: "#0078D4",

     * Recipe Deltas
    accentFillRestDelta: 0,
    accentFillHoverDelta: 4,
    accentFillActiveDelta: -5,
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-react-base / src / slider / slider.tsx View on Github external
private getDirection = (): Direction | null => {
        if (this.rootElement.current === null) {
            return Direction.ltr;

        const closest: Element = this.rootElement.current.closest(

        return closest === null ||
            closest.getAttribute(Slider.DirectionAttributeName) === Direction.ltr
            ? Direction.ltr
            : Direction.rtl;
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-react-base / src / horizontal-overflow / horizontal-overflow.tsx View on Github external
private getLTR(): Direction {
        return !this.horizontalOverflowItemsRef.current
            ? Direction.ltr
            : getComputedStyle(this.horizontalOverflowItemsRef.current).direction ===
                ? Direction.rtl
                : Direction.ltr;
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-development-site-react / src / components / site / index.tsx View on Github external
private renderDetailViewComponent(
        component: JSX.Element,
        index: number,
        route: ComponentRoute
    ): JSX.Element {
        if (
            component &&
            component.props &&
            component.props.slot === ComponentViewSlot.detailExample
        ) {
            return (

        return null;
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-development-site-react / src / components / site / index.tsx View on Github external
import NotFound from "./not-found";
import ComponentView, { ComponentViewTypes } from "./component-view";
import {
} from "@microsoft/fast-layouts-react";
import { Direction } from "@microsoft/fast-web-utilities";

export const localeDirectionMapping: { [key: string]: Direction } = {
    en: Direction.ltr,
    "en-rtl": Direction.rtl,

export function isRTL(locale: string): boolean {
    if (localeDirectionMapping[locale]) {
        return localeDirectionMapping[locale] === Direction.rtl;

    return false;

export enum ComponentViewSlot {
    example = "canvas-example-view",
    detailExample = "canvas-detail-view-example",
    detailDocumentation = "canvas-detail-view-documentation",
github microsoft / fast-dna / packages / fast-components-react-msft / src / pivot / pivot.tsx View on Github external
private getLTR(): Direction {
        if (canUseDOM()) {
            const tabElement: HTMLElement = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(
            ) as HTMLElement;

            return !tabElement
                ? Direction.ltr
                : getComputedStyle(tabElement).direction === Direction.rtl
                    ? Direction.rtl
                    : Direction.ltr;