How to use the @ledgerhq/devices/lib/hid-framing function in @ledgerhq/devices

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ledgerhq/devices examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github LedgerHQ / ledgerjs / packages / hw-transport-node-hid-noevents / src / TransportNodeHid.js View on Github external
this.exchangeAtomicImpl(async () => {
      const { channel, packetSize } = this;
      log("apdu", "=> " + apdu.toString("hex"));

      const framing = hidFraming(channel, packetSize);

      // Write...
      const blocks = framing.makeBlocks(apdu);
      for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
        log("hid-frame", "=> " + blocks[i].toString("hex"));
        await this.writeHID(blocks[i]);

      // Read...
      let result;
      let acc;
      while (!(result = framing.getReducedResult(acc))) {
        const buffer = await this.readHID();
        log("hid-frame", "<= " + buffer.toString("hex"));
        acc = framing.reduceResponse(acc, buffer);
github LedgerHQ / ledgerjs / packages / hw-transport-webhid / src / TransportWebHID.js View on Github external
this.exchangeAtomicImpl(async () => {
      const { channel, packetSize } = this;
      log("apdu", "=> " + apdu.toString("hex"));

      const framing = hidFraming(channel, packetSize);

      // Write...
      const blocks = framing.makeBlocks(apdu);
      for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
        log("hid-frame", "=> " + blocks[i].toString("hex"));
        await this.device.sendReport(0, blocks[i]);

      // Read...
      let result;
      let acc;
      while (!(result = framing.getReducedResult(acc))) {
        const buffer = await;
        log("hid-frame", "<= " + buffer.toString("hex"));
        acc = framing.reduceResponse(acc, buffer);
github LedgerHQ / ledgerjs / packages / hw-transport-webusb / src / TransportWebUSB.js View on Github external
this.exchangeAtomicImpl(async () => {
      const { channel, packetSize } = this;
      log("apdu", "=> " + apdu.toString("hex"));

      const framing = hidFraming(channel, packetSize);

      // Write...
      const blocks = framing.makeBlocks(apdu);
      for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
        log("hid-frame", "=> " + blocks[i].toString("hex"));
        await this.device.transferOut(endpointNumber, blocks[i]);

      // Read...
      let result;
      let acc;
      while (!(result = framing.getReducedResult(acc))) {
        const r = await this.device.transferIn(endpointNumber, packetSize);
        const buffer = Buffer.from(;
        log("hid-frame", "<= " + buffer.toString("hex"));
        acc = framing.reduceResponse(acc, buffer);