How to use the @keystonejs/file-adapters.CloudinaryAdapter function in @keystonejs/file-adapters

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @keystonejs/file-adapters examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github keystonejs / keystone / test-projects / basic / index.js View on Github external
const fileAdapter = new LocalFileAdapter({

let embedAdapter;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
  embedAdapter = new MockOEmbedAdapter();
} else if (iframely.apiKey) {
  embedAdapter = new IframelyOEmbedAdapter({ apiKey: iframely.apiKey });

let cloudinaryAdapter;
try {
  cloudinaryAdapter = new CloudinaryAdapter({
    folder: 'avatars',
} catch (e) {
  // Downgrade from an error to a warning if the dev does not have a
  // Cloudinary API Key set up. This will disable any fields which rely
  // on this functionality.

keystone.createList('User', {
  fields: {
    name: { type: Text },
    email: { type: Text, isUnique: true },
    dob: {
      type: CalendarDay,
github wesbos / advanced-react-rerecord / sick-fits-keystone / models / Item.js View on Github external
import {
} from '@keystonejs/fields';

import { CloudinaryAdapter } from '@keystonejs/file-adapters';
import { byTracking, atTracking } from '@keystonejs/list-plugins';

const cloudinaryAdapter = new CloudinaryAdapter({
  cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
  apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_KEY,
  apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_SECRET,
  folder: 'sick-fits-keystone',

export default {
  fields: {
    name: { type: Text, isRequired: true },
    description: { type: Text, isMultiline: true },
    image: { type: CloudinaryImage, adapter: cloudinaryAdapter },
    largeImage: { type: CloudinaryImage, adapter: cloudinaryAdapter },
    price: { type: Integer },
    user: {
      type: Relationship,
      ref: 'User',


Adapters for handling storage of the File type

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