How to use the @jupyterlab/buildutils/lib/utils.writePackageData function in @jupyterlab/buildutils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jupyterlab/buildutils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / tests / convert-to-chai.js View on Github external
const pkgSrc = utils.readJSONFile(path.join(source, 'package.json'));
const chaiVer = pkgSrc.dependencies['chai'];
const chaiTypeVer = pkgSrc.devDependencies['@types/chai'];

const target = path.resolve(process.argv[2]);
if (!target) {
  console.error('Specify a target dir');

const targetPkg = utils.readJSONFile(path.join(target, 'package.json'));
delete targetPkg.dependencies['expect.js'];
targetPkg.dependencies['chai'] = chaiVer;
targetPkg.devDependencies['@types/chai'] = chaiTypeVer;

utils.writePackageData(path.join(target, 'package.json'), targetPkg);

glob.sync(path.join(target, 'src', '*.ts*')).forEach(function(filePath) {
  let src = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
  src = src
    .split("import expect = require('expect.js')")
    .join("import { expect } from 'chai'");
  src = src.split('').join('');
  src = src.split(' 0)').join('');
  src = src.split('').join('');
  src = src.split('to.not.throwError(').join('to.not.throw(');
  src = src.split('to.throwError(').join('to.throw(');
  src = src.split('').join('');
  src = src.split('').join('');
  src = src.split('').join('to.equal(');
  src = src.split('').join('to.not.equal(');
  src = src.split('').join('');