How to use the @jsdoc/task-runner.TaskRunner function in @jsdoc/task-runner

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jsdoc/task-runner examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hegemonic / jsdoc-baseline / publish.js View on Github external
exports.publish = async (taffyData, options, tutorials) => {
    const templateConfig = config.loadSync().get();
    const allConfig = _.defaults({}, {
        templates: {
            baseline: templateConfig
    }, options, { opts: env.opts });
    const context = {
        config: allConfig,
    const docletHelper = new DocletHelper();
    // TODO: Stop passing context to constructor when that's possible.
    const runner = new TaskRunner(context);

    // set up tutorials

    // TODO: Replicate this logic when `DocletHelper` goes away:
    // helper.prune(taffyData);
    // taffyData.sort('longname, version, since');
    // TODO: Do all of this in the `setContext` task.
    context.doclets = db({
        config: allConfig,
        values: docletHelper.allDoclets
    context.sourceFiles = docletHelper.shortPaths;



Task runner for JSDoc templates.

Latest version published 2 months ago

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