How to use the @ionic-native/core.Plugin function in @ionic-native/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic-native/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / geolocation / index.ts View on Github external
* });
 * let watch = this.geolocation.watchPosition();
 * watch.subscribe((data) => {
 *  // data can be a set of coordinates, or an error (if an error occurred).
 *  // data.coords.latitude
 *  // data.coords.longitude
 * });
 * ```
 * @interfaces
 * Coordinates
 * Geoposition
 * PositionError
 * GeolocationOptions
  pluginName: 'Geolocation',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-geolocation',
  pluginRef: 'navigator.geolocation',
  repo: '',
    'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation --variable GEOLOCATION_USAGE_DESCRIPTION="To locate you"',
  platforms: ['Amazon Fire OS', 'Android', 'Browser', 'iOS', 'Windows']
export class Geolocation extends IonicNativePlugin {
   * Get the device's current position.
   * @param {GeolocationOptions} options  The [geolocation options](
   * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the [position]( of the device, or rejects with an error.
github ionic-team / ionic-native-google-maps / src / @ionic-native / plugins / google-maps / index.ts View on Github external
* Destroy a panorama completely
   * @return {Promise}
  remove(): Promise {
    return getPromise((resolve) => {
      this._objectInstance.remove(() => resolve());


 * @hidden
  pluginName: 'GoogleMaps',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-googlemaps'
export class GoogleMap extends BaseClass {
  constructor(element: HTMLElement | string, options?: GoogleMapOptions, __timeout?: number) {

    if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === true) {
      // ---------------
      // Create a map
      // ---------------
      if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
        if (!element.offsetParent) {
          throw new Error('Element must be under ');
        if (element.offsetWidth >= 100 && element.offsetHeight >= 100) {
          super(GoogleMaps.getPlugin().Map.getMap(element, options));
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / instagram / index.ts View on Github external
 * @usage
 * ```typescript
 * import { Instagram } from '@ionic-native/instagram';
 * constructor(private instagram: Instagram) { }
 * ...
 * this.instagram.share('data:image/png;uhduhf3hfif33', 'Caption')
 *   .then(() => console.log('Shared!'))
 *   .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
 * ```
  pluginName: 'Instagram',
  plugin: 'cordova-instagram-plugin',
  pluginRef: 'Instagram',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android', 'iOS']
export class Instagram extends IonicNativePlugin {

   * Detect if the Instagram application is installed on the device.
   * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that returns a boolean value if installed, or the app version on android
    callbackStyle: 'node'
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / base64-to-gallery / index.ts View on Github external
 * constructor(private base64ToGallery: Base64ToGallery) { }
 * ...
 * this.base64ToGallery.base64ToGallery(base64Data, { prefix: '_img' }).then(
 *   res => console.log('Saved image to gallery ', res),
 *   err => console.log('Error saving image to gallery ', err)
 * );
 * ```
 * @interfaces
 * Base64ToGalleryOptions
  pluginName: 'Base64ToGallery',
  plugin: 'cordova-base64-to-gallery',
  pluginRef: 'cordova',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows Phone 8']
export class Base64ToGallery extends IonicNativePlugin {
   * Converts a base64 string to an image file in the device gallery
   * @param {string} data The actual base64 string that you want to save
   * @param {any} [options] An object with properties
   * @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves when the image is saved.
    successIndex: 2,
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / barcode-scanner / index.ts View on Github external
* constructor(private barcodeScanner: BarcodeScanner) { }
 * ...
 * this.barcodeScanner.scan().then(barcodeData => {
 *  console.log('Barcode data', barcodeData);
 * }).catch(err => {
 * 	console.log('Error', err);
 * });
 * ```
 * @interfaces
 * BarcodeScannerOptions
 * BarcodeScanResult
  pluginName: 'BarcodeScanner',
  plugin: 'phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner',
  pluginRef: 'cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android', 'BlackBerry 10', 'Browser', 'iOS', 'Windows']
export class BarcodeScanner extends IonicNativePlugin {
  Encode: {
    TEXT_TYPE: string;
    EMAIL_TYPE: string;
    PHONE_TYPE: string;
    SMS_TYPE: string;
  } = {
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / action-sheet / index.ts View on Github external
*   subtitle: 'Choose an action',
 *   buttonLabels: buttonLabels,
 *   addCancelButtonWithLabel: 'Cancel',
 *   addDestructiveButtonWithLabel: 'Delete',
 *   androidTheme: this.actionSheet.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_HOLO_DARK,
 *   destructiveButtonLast: true
 * };
 * number) => {
 *   console.log('Button pressed: ' + buttonIndex);
 * });
 * ```
 * @interfaces
 * ActionSheetOptions
  pluginName: 'ActionSheet',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-actionsheet',
  pluginRef: 'plugins.actionsheet',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android', 'Browser', 'iOS', 'Windows', 'Windows Phone 8']
export class ActionSheet extends IonicNativePlugin {

   * Convenience property to select an Android theme value
    THEME_HOLO_DARK: number;
    THEME_HOLO_LIGHT: number;
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / call-directory / index.ts View on Github external
 * let items = [{label: "Hello", number: "123"}];
 * this.callDirectory.addIdentification(items)
 *   .then((res: any) => console.log(res))
 *   .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
 * this.callDirectory.reloadExtension()
 *   .then(res: string) => console.log(res))
 *   .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
 * ```
 * @Interfaces
 * CallDirectoryItem
 * CallDirectoryLog
  pluginName: 'CallDirectory',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-call-directory',
  pluginRef: 'CallDirectory',
  repo: '',
  install: 'cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-call-directory --variable EXT_NAME="Cordova-Directory" --variable ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES="NO"',
  platforms: ['iOS']
export class CallDirectory extends IonicNativePlugin {

   * Check if the call directory extension is available and enabled
   * @return {Promise} Returns a promise with result
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / firebase-crashlytics / index.ts View on Github external
* @usage
 * ```typescript
 * import { FirebaseCrashlytics } from '@ionic-native/firebase-crashlytics/ngx';
 * constructor(private firebaseCrashlytics: FirebaseCrashlytics) { }
 * ...
 * const crashlytics = this.firebaseCrashlytics.initialize();
 * crashlytics.logException('my caught exception');
 * ```
  pluginName: 'FirebaseCrashlytics',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-firebase-crashlytics',
  pluginRef: 'FirebaseCrashlytics',
  repo: '',
  install: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-crashlytics --variable ANDROID_FIREBASE_CORE_VERSION=16.0.0',
  installVariables: ['ANDROID_FIREBASE_CORE_VERSION'],
  platforms: ['Android', 'iOS']
export class FirebaseCrashlytics extends IonicNativePlugin {
   * Simply add the plugin to get the default Crashlytics functionality. Note that crashes and logged exceptions will only be reported when the application restarts. In order to log caught exceptions the following can be used:
   * @returns {void}
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / navigation-bar / index.ts View on Github external
* @description
 * The NavigationBar plugin allows you to hide and auto hide the android navigation bar.
 * @usage
 * ```typescript
 * import { NavigationBar } from '@ionic-native/navigation-bar';
 * constructor(private navigationBar: NavigationBar) { }
 * ...
 * let autoHide: boolean = true;
 * this.navigationBar.setUp(autoHide);
 * ```
  pluginName: 'NavigationBar',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-navigationbar',
  pluginRef: 'navigationbar',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android']
export class NavigationBar extends IonicNativePlugin {

   * hide automatically (or not) the navigation bar.
   * @param autohide {boolean}
   * @return {Promise}
    callbackStyle: 'object',
github ionic-team / ionic-native / src / @ionic-native / plugins / app-rate / index.ts View on Github external
*    android: 'market://details?id=',
 *    windows: 'ms-windows-store://review/?ProductId='
 *   }
 * }
 * this.appRate.promptForRating(false);
 * ```
 * @interfaces
 * AppRatePreferences
 * AppUrls
 * AppRateCallbacks
 * AppRateCustomLocal
  pluginName: 'AppRate',
  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-apprate',
  pluginRef: 'AppRate',
  repo: '',
  platforms: ['Android', 'BlackBerry 10', 'iOS', 'Windows']
export class AppRate extends IonicNativePlugin {
   * Configure various settings for the Rating View.
   * See table below for options
  preferences: AppRatePreferences;
