How to use the @instana/serverless.backendConnector.sendBundle function in @instana/serverless

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github instana / nodejs-sensor / packages / aws-lambda / src / wrapper.js View on Github external
entrySpan.error = > 0;
    entrySpan.d = - entrySpan.ts;


  const spans = spanBuffer.getAndResetSpans();

  const metricsData = metrics.gatherData();

  const metricsPayload = {
    plugins: [{ name: '', entityId: identityProvider.getEntityId(), data: metricsData }]

  backendConnector.sendBundle({ spans, metrics: metricsPayload }, err => {
    if (err) {
      // We intentionally do not propagate the error from the backend request - the customer's lambda needs to finish
      // successfully, no matter if we have been able to report metrics and spans.
      logger.warn('Could not send traces and metrics to Instana.', err.message);
      logger.debug('Could not send traces and metrics to Instana.', err);
    } else {'Traces and metrics have been sent to Instana.');


Internal utility package for serverless Node.js tracing and monitoring with Instana

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