How to use the @hpcc-js/marshaller.ElementContainer function in @hpcc-js/marshaller

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hpcc-js/marshaller examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hpcc-systems / Visualization / demos / dashy / src / dashPOC.ts View on Github external
// tslint:disable
import { Table } from "@hpcc-js/dgrid";
import { FieldForm } from "@hpcc-js/form";
import * as marshaller from "@hpcc-js/marshaller";

//  Dashboard Element Container (Model)  ---
const ec = new marshaller.ElementContainer();

namespace data {
    export const Ins002_dsOutput1 = new marshaller.WU(ec)
    export const Ins002_dsOutput1_Ins002_dsOutput1_View_table1 = new marshaller.WUResult(ec)
        .responseFields([{ id: "state", type: "string" }, { id: "id", type: "number64" }, { id: "first_name", type: "string" }, { id: "last_name", type: "string" }, { id: "gender", type: "string" }, { id: "lat", type: "number" }, { id: "lng", type: "number" }, { id: "whole_number", type: "number64" }, { id: "decimal_number", type: "number" }, { id: "created_time", type: "string" }, { id: "created_date", type: "string" }, { id: "vip", type: "string" }])
    export const e_8 = new marshaller.Form()
            new marshaller.FormField().fieldID("filter_state")
github hpcc-systems / Visualization / demos / dashy / src / index.ts View on Github external
init(placeholder: string, urlStr, layoutJson?) {
        const _url = new Comms.ESPUrl().url(urlStr);
        if (!!_url.param("dashboard")) {
            this._dashy = new Dashboard(new ElementContainer())
        } else {
            this._dashy = new Dashy()

            .on("drop", () => this.dropHandler(this.event()))
            .on("dragover", () => this.dragOverHandler(this.event()))
github hpcc-systems / Visualization / demos / dashy / src / index.ts View on Github external
export function loadDashboard(target: string) {
    const ec = new ElementContainer();
    const dashboard = new Dashboard(ec);
        .restore(sample as any)
        .render(w => {