How to use the @hapi/wreck.request function in @hapi/wreck

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/wreck examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github elastic / kibana / x-pack / legacy / plugins / code / server / distributed / multinode / non_code_node_adapter.ts View on Github external
async requestFn(baseUrl: string, path: string, payload: RequestPayload, originRequest: Request) {
    const opt = {
      payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
      // redirect all headers to CodeNode
      headers: { ...filterHeaders(originRequest), 'kbn-xsrf': 'kibana' },
    const promise = Wreck.request('POST', path, opt);
    const res: http.IncomingMessage = await promise;
    this.log.debug(`sending RPC call to ${baseUrl}${path} ${res.statusCode}`);
    if (res.statusCode && res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) {
      const buffer: Buffer = await, {});
      try {
        return JSON.parse(buffer.toString(), (key, value) => {
          return value && value.type === 'Buffer' ? Buffer.from( : value;
      } catch (e) {
        this.log.error('parse json failed: ' + buffer.toString());
        throw Boom.boomify(e, { statusCode: 500 });
    } else {
        `received ${res.statusCode} from ${baseUrl}/${path}, params was ${util.inspect(
github geek / graphi / test / index.js View on Github external
await server.register({ plugin: Graphi, options: { schema, resolvers } });

      method: 'graphql',
      path: '/createPerson',
      handler: (request, h) => {
        return { firstname: 'billy', lastname: 'jean' };

    await server.start();

    const payload = { firstname: 'billy', lastname: 'jean' };
    const res = await Wreck.request('GRAPHQL', `${}/createPerson`, { payload });
    await server.stop();
github hapijs / hapi / test / core.js View on Github external
const server = Hapi.server({ routes: { timeout: { socket: false } } });
        server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: () => null });

        await server.start();

        let timeout;
        const orig = Net.Socket.prototype.setTimeout;
        Net.Socket.prototype.setTimeout = function (...args) {

            timeout = 'gotcha';
            Net.Socket.prototype.setTimeout = orig;
            return orig.apply(this, args);

        const res = await Wreck.request('GET', 'http://localhost:' + + '/');
        await server.stop();
github hapijs / pez / test / index.js View on Github external
server.once('listening', () => {

            const form = new FormData();
            form.append('file', Fs.createReadStream('./test/files/blank.gif'));
            Wreck.request('POST', '' + server.address().port, { payload: form, headers: form.getHeaders() });
github hapijs / hapi / test / transmit.js View on Github external
setTimeout(() => {

                        }, 10);

                stream.once('end', () => team.attend());
                return stream;

            server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler });

            await server.start();

            const res = await Wreck.request('GET', 'http://localhost:' +;
            res.on('data', (chunk) => {

                if (!destroyed) {
                    destroyed = true;

            await server.stop();
github hapijs / hapi / test / transmit.js View on Github external
const proxyHandler = async (request, h) => {

                const options = {};
                options.headers = Hoek.clone(request.headers);

                const res = await Wreck.request(request.method, 'http://localhost:' + + '/headers', options);
                return h.response(res).code(res.statusCode);
github elastic / kibana / src / dev / build / tasks / patch_native_modules_task.js View on Github external
async function download(url, destination, log) {
  const response = await wreck.request('GET', url);

  if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
    throw new Error(`Unexpected status code ${response.statusCode} when downloading ${url}`);
  mkdirSync(dirname(destination), { recursive: true });
  await createPromiseFromStreams([response, createWriteStream(destination)]);
  log.debug('Downloaded ', url);
github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external

    if (params) {
        const paramsString = internals.queryString(params);
        if (method === 'get') {
            uri += '?' + paramsString;
        else {
            requestOptions.payload = paramsString;
            requestOptions.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

    if ( {
        return Wreck.request(method, uri, requestOptions);

    const desc = (options.desc || 'resource');
    try {
        const { res, payload } = await Wreck[method](uri, requestOptions);
        var result = { payload: payload.toString(), statusCode: res.statusCode };
    catch (err) {
        throw Boom.internal(`Failed obtaining ${this.provider} ${desc}`, err);

    if (result.statusCode !== 200) {
        throw Object.assign(Boom.internal(`Failed obtaining ${this.provider} ${desc}`, result.payload), result);

    if (!options.raw) {
github elastic / kibana / src / cli_plugin / install / downloaders / http.js View on Github external
async function sendRequest({ sourceUrl, timeout }, logger) {
  const maxRedirects = 11; //Because this one goes to 11.
  const reqOptions = { timeout, redirects: maxRedirects };
  const proxyAgent = getProxyAgent(sourceUrl, logger);

  if (proxyAgent) {
    reqOptions.agent = proxyAgent;

  try {
    const promise = Wreck.request('GET', sourceUrl, reqOptions);
    const req = promise.req;
    const resp = await promise;
    if (resp.statusCode >= 400) {
      throw new Error('ENOTFOUND');

    return { req, resp };
  } catch (err) {
    if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
      err = new Error('ENOTFOUND');

    throw err;


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