How to use the @hapi/boom.Boom function in @hapi/boom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/boom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
exports.unseal = async function (sealed, password, options) {

    options = Object.assign({}, options);                                       // Shallow cloned to prevent changes during async operations

    const now = + (options.localtimeOffsetMsec || 0);                // Measure now before any other processing

    // Break string into components

    const parts = sealed.split('*');
    if (parts.length !== 8) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Incorrect number of sealed components');

    const macPrefix = parts[0];
    const passwordId = parts[1];
    const encryptionSalt = parts[2];
    const encryptionIv = parts[3];
    const encryptedB64 = parts[4];
    const expiration = parts[5];
    const hmacSalt = parts[6];
    const hmac = parts[7];
    const macBaseString = macPrefix + '*' + passwordId + '*' + encryptionSalt + '*' + encryptionIv + '*' + encryptedB64 + '*' + expiration;

    // Check prefix

    if (macPrefix !== exports.macPrefix) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Wrong mac prefix');
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
// Check prefix

    if (macPrefix !== exports.macPrefix) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Wrong mac prefix');

    // Check expiration

    if (expiration) {
        if (!expiration.match(/^\d+$/)) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Invalid expiration');

        const exp = parseInt(expiration, 10);
        if (exp <= (now - (options.timestampSkewSec * 1000))) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Expired seal');

    // Obtain password

    if (!password) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Empty password');

    if (typeof password === 'object' &&
        !Buffer.isBuffer(password)) {

        password = password[passwordId || 'default'];
        if (!password) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Cannot find password: ' + passwordId);
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
const expiration = parts[5];
    const hmacSalt = parts[6];
    const hmac = parts[7];
    const macBaseString = macPrefix + '*' + passwordId + '*' + encryptionSalt + '*' + encryptionIv + '*' + encryptedB64 + '*' + expiration;

    // Check prefix

    if (macPrefix !== exports.macPrefix) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Wrong mac prefix');

    // Check expiration

    if (expiration) {
        if (!expiration.match(/^\d+$/)) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Invalid expiration');

        const exp = parseInt(expiration, 10);
        if (exp <= (now - (options.timestampSkewSec * 1000))) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Expired seal');

    // Obtain password

    if (!password) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Empty password');

    if (typeof password === 'object' &&
        !Buffer.isBuffer(password)) {
github hapijs / hapi / lib / transmit.js View on Github external
if (request.raw.res.finished) {
        if (event !== 'aborted') {


    if (err) {

    err = err || new Boom.Boom(`Request ${event}`, { statusCode: request.route.settings.response.disconnectStatusCode });
    const error = internals.error(request, Boom.boomify(err));

    if (request.raw.res[Config.symbol]) {
        request.raw.res.statusCode = error.statusCode;
        request.raw.res[Config.symbol].result = error.source;       // Force injected response to error

    if (event) {
        request._log(['response', 'error', event]);
    else {
        request._log(['response', 'error'], err);

    request.raw.res.end();                                          // Triggers injection promise resolve
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
password = password[passwordId || 'default'];
        if (!password) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Cannot find password: ' + passwordId);

    password = internals.normalizePassword(password);

    // Check hmac

    const macOptions = Hoek.clone(options.integrity);
    macOptions.salt = hmacSalt;
    const mac = await exports.hmacWithPassword(password.integrity, macOptions, macBaseString);

    if (!Cryptiles.fixedTimeComparison(mac.digest, hmac)) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Bad hmac value');

    // Decrypt

    try {
        var encrypted = B64.base64urlDecode(encryptedB64, 'buffer');
    catch (err) {
        throw Boom.boomify(err);

    const decryptOptions = Hoek.clone(options.encryption);
    decryptOptions.salt = encryptionSalt;

    try {
        decryptOptions.iv = B64.base64urlDecode(encryptionIv, 'buffer');
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
if (expiration) {
        if (!expiration.match(/^\d+$/)) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Invalid expiration');

        const exp = parseInt(expiration, 10);
        if (exp <= (now - (options.timestampSkewSec * 1000))) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Expired seal');

    // Obtain password

    if (!password) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Empty password');

    if (typeof password === 'object' &&
        !Buffer.isBuffer(password)) {

        password = password[passwordId || 'default'];
        if (!password) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Cannot find password: ' + passwordId);

    password = internals.normalizePassword(password);

    // Check hmac

    const macOptions = Hoek.clone(options.integrity);
github onbjerg / micro-boom / lib / index.js View on Github external
module.exports.createError = function (statusCode, message, data) {
  return new Boom.Boom(message, { statusCode, data })
github geek / graphi / lib / index.js View on Github external
return async (payload, request, ast) => {
      const url = `${prefix}/${ast.fieldName}`;
      const res = await request.server.inject({
        headers: request.headers

      if (res.statusCode < 400) {
        return res.result;

      return new Boom.Boom(res.result.message, {
        statusCode: res.statusCode,
        data: {
          error: res.result.error,
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
exports.generateKey = async function (password, options) {

    if (!password) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Empty password');

    if (!options ||
        typeof options !== 'object') {

        throw new Boom.Boom('Bad options');

    const algorithm = exports.algorithms[options.algorithm];
    if (!algorithm) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Unknown algorithm: ' + options.algorithm);

    const result = {};

    if (Buffer.isBuffer(password)) {
        if (password.length < algorithm.keyBits / 8) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Key buffer (password) too small');

        result.key = password;
        result.salt = '';
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
if (password.length < algorithm.keyBits / 8) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Key buffer (password) too small');

        result.key = password;
        result.salt = '';
    else {
        if (password.length < options.minPasswordlength) {
            throw new Boom.Boom('Password string too short (min ' + options.minPasswordlength + ' characters required)');

        let salt = options.salt;
        if (!salt) {
            if (!options.saltBits) {
                throw new Boom.Boom('Missing salt and saltBits options');

            const randomSalt = Cryptiles.randomBits(options.saltBits);
            salt = randomSalt.toString('hex');

        const derivedKey = await internals.pbkdf2(password, salt, options.iterations, algorithm.keyBits / 8, 'sha1');

        result.key = derivedKey;
        result.salt = salt;

    if (options.iv) {
        result.iv = options.iv;
    else if (algorithm.ivBits) {