How to use the @grafana/e2e.e2e.env function in @grafana/e2e

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @grafana/e2e examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github grafana / grafana / public / e2e-tests / integration / smoketests.spec.ts View on Github external
e2e.pages.SharePanelModal.linkToRenderedImage().then(($a: any) => {
      // extract the fully qualified href property
      const url = $a.prop('href');

      // Test that the image renderer returns 200 OK
      e2e().request({ method: 'GET', url, timeout: 120000 });

      // Download image
      if (!e2e.env('CIRCLE_SHA1')) {

      const theOutputImage = `${e2e.config().screenshotsFolder}/theOutput/smoke-test-scenario.png`;
      const theTruthImage = `${e2e.config().screenshotsFolder}/theTruth/smoke-test-scenario.png`;

        e2e.imgSrcToBlob(url).then((blob: any) => {
          e2e.blobToBase64String(blob).then((base64String: string) => {
            const data = base64String.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, '');
            e2e().writeFile(theOutputImage, data, 'base64');
      e2e().wait(1000); // give the io a chance to flush image to disk
      e2e().compareSnapshot({ pathToFileA: theOutputImage, pathToFileB: theTruthImage });