How to use the @glimmer/runtime.Runtime function in @glimmer/runtime

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @glimmer/runtime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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 * 1. The `RuntimeEnvironment` is the internal opauqe context used to evaluate
 * compiled Glimmer programs. We need to instantiate it with:
 * - the document we're rendering into
 * - a function for extracting a protocol from a URL
 * - TODO: explain or abstract iterable keys
 * 2. We also need to supply a `RuntimeResolver`, the runtime counterpart to
 * the compile-time `ResolverDelegate`. (Like the compile-time delegate,
 * the runtime resolver currently doesn't do anything. Once it does,
 * explain how the compile-time and runtime are meant to work together).
 * 3. Finally, we need to rehydrate the compilation artifacts.
let runtime = runtime_1.Runtime(document, payload, env_1.RUNTIME_RESOLVER);
 * Create an `UpdatableReference` for the value of `this` in the module. Using an
 * UpdatableReference allows us to change it later and re-render the output.
let state = object_reference_1.State({ suffix: '!', num: 5 });
 * Create a new element to render into.
let element = document.createElement('main');
 * Create a cursor position for the rendering, which is just the element itself.
let cursor = { element, nextSibling: null };
let iterator = runtime_1.renderAot(runtime, main, cursor, state);
let result = runtime_1.renderSync(runtime.env, iterator);
github glimmerjs / glimmer-vm / guides / tutorial / tutorial.ts View on Github external
 * 1. The `RuntimeEnvironment` is the internal opauqe context used to evaluate
 * compiled Glimmer programs. We need to instantiate it with:
 * - the document we're rendering into
 * - a function for extracting a protocol from a URL
 * - TODO: explain or abstract iterable keys
 * 2. We also need to supply a `RuntimeResolver`, the runtime counterpart to
 * the compile-time `ResolverDelegate`. (Like the compile-time delegate,
 * the runtime resolver currently doesn't do anything. Once it does,
 * explain how the compile-time and runtime are meant to work together).
 * 3. Finally, we need to rehydrate the compilation artifacts.
let runtime = Runtime(document, payload, RUNTIME_RESOLVER);

 * Create an `UpdatableReference` for the value of `this` in the module. Using an
 * UpdatableReference allows us to change it later and re-render the output.
let state = State({ suffix: '!', num: 5 });

 * Create a new element to render into.
let element = document.createElement('main');

 * Create a cursor position for the rendering, which is just the element itself.
let cursor: Cursor = { element, nextSibling: null };