How to use the @foal/typeorm/node_modules/typeorm.getConnection function in @foal/typeorm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @foal/typeorm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / auth.spec.ts View on Github external
const perm = new Permission();
    perm.codeName = 'admin'; = 'Admin permission';
    await getRepository(Permission, 'perm-connection').save(perm);

    const group = new Group(); = 'Administrators';
    group.codeName = 'administrators';
    group.permissions = [ perm ];
    await getRepository(Group, 'perm-connection').save(group);

    user2.groups = [ group ];
    await getRepository(User, 'perm-connection').save(user2);

    await getConnection('perm-connection').close();

    /* Access the route that requires a specific permission */

    await request(app).get('/bar').set('Cookie', cookie).expect(200);

    /* Log out */

    await request(app).get('/logout').set('Cookie', cookie).expect(204);

    /* Try to access routes that require authentication and a specific permission */

    await Promise.all([
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / auth.typeorm.spec.ts View on Github external
await createConnection({
      database: 'e2e_db.sqlite',
      dropSchema: true,
      entities: [ User, Permission, Group ],
      name: 'create-connection',
      synchronize: true,
      type: 'sqlite',

    const user = new User(); = '';
    user.password = await hashPassword('password');
    await getRepository(User, 'create-connection').save(user);

    await getConnection('create-connection').close();

    /* Try to access routes that require authentication and a specific permission */

    await Promise.all([

    /* Try to login with a wrong email */

    await request(app)
      .send({ email: '', password: 'password' })

    /* Try to login with a wrong password */
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / csrf / spa-and-api.stateful.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_SESSION_SECRET;
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / authentication / jwt.token.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_JWT_SECRET_OR_PUBLIC_KEY;
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / authentication / jwt.cookie.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_JWT_SECRET_OR_PUBLIC_KEY;
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / authentication / session-token.cookie.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_SESSION_SECRET;
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / csrf / regular-web-app.stateful.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_SESSION_SECRET;
github FoalTS / foal / packages / acceptance-tests / src / authentication / session-token.cookie.redirection.spec.ts View on Github external
after(async () => {
    await getConnection().close();
    delete process.env.SETTINGS_SESSION_SECRET;