How to use @ethersproject/bytes - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ethersproject/bytes examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / abi / lib / interface.js View on Github external
Interface.prototype.getEvent = function (nameOrSignatureOrTopic) {
        if (bytes_1.isHexString(nameOrSignatureOrTopic)) {
            var topichash = nameOrSignatureOrTopic.toLowerCase();
            for (var name_3 in {
                if (topichash === this.getEventTopic(name_3)) {
            logger.throwArgumentError("no matching event", "topichash", topichash);
        // It is a bare name, look up the function (will return null if ambiguous)
        if (nameOrSignatureOrTopic.indexOf("(") === -1) {
            var name_4 = nameOrSignatureOrTopic.trim();
            var matching = Object.keys( (f) { return (f.split("(" /* fix:) */)[0] === name_4); });
            if (matching.length === 0) {
                logger.throwArgumentError("no matching event", "name", name_4);
            else if (matching.length > 1) {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / abi / lib / interface.js View on Github external
Interface.prototype.getFunction = function (nameOrSignatureOrSighash) {
        if (bytes_1.isHexString(nameOrSignatureOrSighash)) {
            for (var name_1 in this.functions) {
                if (nameOrSignatureOrSighash === this.getSighash(name_1)) {
                    return this.functions[name_1];
            logger.throwArgumentError("no matching function", "sighash", nameOrSignatureOrSighash);
        // It is a bare name, look up the function (will return null if ambiguous)
        if (nameOrSignatureOrSighash.indexOf("(") === -1) {
            var name_2 = nameOrSignatureOrSighash.trim();
            var matching = Object.keys(this.functions).filter(function (f) { return (f.split("(" /* fix:) */)[0] === name_2); });
            if (matching.length === 0) {
                logger.throwArgumentError("no matching function", "name", name_2);
            else if (matching.length > 1) {
                logger.throwArgumentError("multiple matching functions", "name", name_2);
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / transactions / lib.esm / index.js View on Github external
value: handleNumber(transaction[4]),
        data: transaction[5],
        chainId: 0
    // Legacy unsigned transaction
    if (transaction.length === 6) {
        return tx;
    try {
        tx.v = BigNumber.from(transaction[6]).toNumber();
    catch (error) {
        return tx;
    tx.r = hexZeroPad(transaction[7], 32);
    tx.s = hexZeroPad(transaction[8], 32);
    if (BigNumber.from(tx.r).isZero() && BigNumber.from(tx.s).isZero()) {
        // EIP-155 unsigned transaction
        tx.chainId = tx.v;
        tx.v = 0;
    else {
        // Signed Tranasaction
        tx.chainId = Math.floor((tx.v - 35) / 2);
        if (tx.chainId < 0) {
            tx.chainId = 0;
        let recoveryParam = tx.v - 27;
        const raw = transaction.slice(0, 6);
        if (tx.chainId !== 0) {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / json-wallets / lib.esm / keystore.js View on Github external
else if (account.path != null) {
            throw new Error("cannot specify path without mnemonic");
    catch (e) {
        return Promise.reject(e);
    // the options are optional, so adjust the call as needed
    if (typeof (options) === "function" && !progressCallback) {
        progressCallback = options;
        options = {};
    if (!options) {
        options = {};
    const privateKey = arrayify(account.privateKey);
    const passwordBytes = getPassword(password);
    let entropy = null;
    let path = account.path;
    if (account.mnemonic) {
        entropy = arrayify(mnemonicToEntropy(account.mnemonic));
        if (!path) {
            path = defaultPath;
    let client = options.client;
    if (!client) {
        client = "ethers.js";
    // Check/generate the salt
    let salt = null;
    if (options.salt) {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / json-wallets / lib.esm / crowdsale.js View on Github external
export function decrypt(json, password) {
    const data = JSON.parse(json);
    password = getPassword(password);
    // Ethereum Address
    const ethaddr = getAddress(searchPath(data, "ethaddr"));
    // Encrypted Seed
    const encseed = looseArrayify(searchPath(data, "encseed"));
    if (!encseed || (encseed.length % 16) !== 0) {
        logger.throwArgumentError("invalid encseed", "json", json);
    const key = arrayify(pbkdf2(password, password, 2000, 32, "sha256")).slice(0, 16);
    const iv = encseed.slice(0, 16);
    const encryptedSeed = encseed.slice(16);
    // Decrypt the seed
    const aesCbc = new aes.ModeOfOperation.cbc(key, iv);
    const seed = aes.padding.pkcs7.strip(arrayify(aesCbc.decrypt(encryptedSeed)));
    // This wallet format is weird... Convert the binary encoded hex to a string.
    let seedHex = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < seed.length; i++) {
        seedHex += String.fromCharCode(seed[i]);
    const seedHexBytes = toUtf8Bytes(seedHex);
    const privateKey = keccak256(seedHexBytes);
    return new CrowdsaleAccount({
        _isCrowdsaleAccount: true,
        address: ethaddr,
        privateKey: privateKey
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / json-wallets / src.ts / keystore.ts View on Github external
} else if (account.path != null) {
            throw new Error("cannot specify path without mnemonic");

    } catch (e) {
        return Promise.reject(e);

    // the options are optional, so adjust the call as needed
    if (typeof(options) === "function" && !progressCallback) {
        progressCallback = options;
        options = {};
    if (!options) { options = {}; }

    const privateKey: Uint8Array = arrayify(account.privateKey);
    const passwordBytes = getPassword(password);

    let entropy: Uint8Array = null
    let path: string = account.path;
    if (account.mnemonic) {
        entropy = arrayify(mnemonicToEntropy(account.mnemonic));
        if (!path) { path = defaultPath; }

    let client = options.client;
    if (!client) { client = "ethers.js"; }

    // Check/generate the salt
    let salt: Uint8Array = null;
    if (options.salt) {
        salt = arrayify(options.salt);
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / strings / lib / utf8.js View on Github external
throw new Error("invalid utf-8 string");
            // Surrogate Pair
            var pair = 0x10000 + ((c & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff);
            result.push((pair >> 18) | 0xf0);
            result.push(((pair >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
            result.push(((pair >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
            result.push((pair & 0x3f) | 0x80);
        else {
            result.push((c >> 12) | 0xe0);
            result.push(((c >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
            result.push((c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
    return bytes_1.arrayify(result);
exports.toUtf8Bytes = toUtf8Bytes;
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / transactions / lib.esm / index.js View on Github external
value = arrayify(hexlify(value, options));
        // Fixed-width field
        if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length && value.length > 0) {
            logger.throwArgumentError("invalid length for " +, ("transaction:" +, value);
        // Variable-width (with a maximum)
        if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
            value = stripZeros(value);
            if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
                logger.throwArgumentError("invalid length for " +, ("transaction:" +, value);
    if (transaction.chainId != null && transaction.chainId !== 0) {
    const unsignedTransaction = RLP.encode(raw);
    // Requesting an unsigned transation
    if (!signature) {
        return unsignedTransaction;
    // The splitSignature will ensure the transaction has a recoveryParam in the
    // case that the signTransaction function only adds a v.
    const sig = splitSignature(signature);
    // We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
    let v = 27 + sig.recoveryParam;
    if (raw.length === 9) {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / providers / lib.esm / json-rpc-provider.js View on Github external
return this.getAddress().then((address) => {
            return this.provider.send("eth_sign", [address.toLowerCase(), hexlify(data)]);
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / json-wallets / lib.esm / keystore.js View on Github external
throw new Error("unsupported cipher");
                const address = computeAddress(privateKey);
                if (data.address) {
                    let check = data.address.toLowerCase();
                    if (check.substring(0, 2) !== "0x") {
                        check = "0x" + check;
                    if (getAddress(check) !== address) {
                        throw new Error("address mismatch");
                const account = {
                    _isKeystoreAccount: true,
                    address: address,
                    privateKey: hexlify(privateKey)
                // Version 0.1 x-ethers metadata must contain an encrypted mnemonic phrase
                if (searchPath(data, "x-ethers/version") === "0.1") {
                    const mnemonicCiphertext = looseArrayify(searchPath(data, "x-ethers/mnemonicCiphertext"));
                    const mnemonicIv = looseArrayify(searchPath(data, "x-ethers/mnemonicCounter"));
                    const mnemonicCounter = new aes.Counter(mnemonicIv);
                    const mnemonicAesCtr = new aes.ModeOfOperation.ctr(mnemonicKey, mnemonicCounter);
                    const path = searchPath(data, "x-ethers/path") || defaultPath;
                    const entropy = arrayify(mnemonicAesCtr.decrypt(mnemonicCiphertext));
                    const mnemonic = entropyToMnemonic(entropy);
                    const node = HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic).derivePath(path);
                    if (node.privateKey != account.privateKey) {
                        throw new Error("mnemonic mismatch");
                    account.mnemonic = node.mnemonic;
                    account.path = node.path;