How to use the @emotion/primitives-core.createStyled function in @emotion/primitives-core

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github emotion-js / emotion / packages / native / src / styled.js View on Github external
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
import { createStyled } from '@emotion/primitives-core'

 * a function that returns a styled component which render styles in React Native
let styled = createStyled(StyleSheet)

export { styled }
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / primitives / src / styled.js View on Github external
 * a function that returns a styled component which render styles on multiple targets with same code

type CreateStyledComponent = (...styles: any) => React.ElementType

type BaseStyled = (tag: React.ElementType) => CreateStyledComponent

export type Styled = BaseStyled & {
  View: CreateStyledComponent,
  Text: CreateStyledComponent,
  Image: CreateStyledComponent

let styled: Styled = createStyled(StyleSheet, { getShouldForwardProp })

export { styled }


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