How to use the @embroider/core.TemplateCompiler.isInlinePrecompilePlugin function in @embroider/core

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github embroider-build / embroider / packages / compat / src / v1-app.ts View on Github external
plugins = plugins.filter(p => {
      // even if the app was using @embroider/macros, we drop it from the config
      // here in favor of our globally-configured one.
      return (
        !isEmbroiderMacrosPlugin(p) &&
        // similarly, if the app was already using an inline template compiler
        // babel plugin, we remove it here because we have our own
        // always-installed version of that (v2 addons are allowed to assume it
        // will be present in the final app build, the app doesn't get to turn
        // that off or configure it.)
github embroider-build / embroider / packages / compat / src / v1-addon.ts View on Github external
function babelPluginAllowedInStage1(plugin: PluginItem) {
  if (isEmbroiderMacrosPlugin(plugin)) {
    // the point of @embroider/macros is that it's allowed to stay in v2
    // addon publication format, so it doesn't need to run here in stage1.
    // We always run it in stage3.
    return false;

  if (TemplateCompiler.isInlinePrecompilePlugin(plugin)) {
    // Similarly, the inline precompile plugin must not run in stage1. We
    // want all templates uncompiled. Instead, we will be adding our own
    // plugin that only runs custom AST transforms inside inline
    // templates.
    return false;

  return true;