How to use @ember-data/store - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ember-data/store examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github emberjs / data / packages / model / addon / -private / has-many.js View on Github external
if (typeof type === 'object') {
    options = type;
    type = undefined;

    `The first argument to hasMany must be a string representing a model type key, not an instance of ${inspect(
    )}. E.g., to define a relation to the Comment model, use hasMany('comment')`,
    typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'undefined'

  options = options || {};

  if (typeof type === 'string') {
    type = normalizeModelName(type);

  // Metadata about relationships is stored on the meta of
  // the relationship. This is used for introspection and
  // serialization. Note that `key` is populated lazily
  // the first time the CP is called.
  let meta = {
    isRelationship: true,
    kind: 'hasMany',
    name: 'Has Many',
    key: null,

  return computed({
github emberjs / data / packages / record-data / addon / -private / relationships / state / belongs-to.ts View on Github external
addRecordData(recordData: RelationshipRecordData) {
    if (this.members.has(recordData)) {

    // TODO Igor cleanup
    assertPolymorphicType(this.recordData, this.relationshipMeta, recordData,;

    if (this.inverseRecordData) {

    this.inverseRecordData = recordData;
github emberjs / data / packages / record-data / addon / -private / relationships / state / has-many.ts View on Github external
addRecordData(recordData: RelationshipRecordData, idx?: number) {
    if (this.members.has(recordData)) {

    // TODO Type this
    assertPolymorphicType(this.recordData, this.relationshipMeta, recordData,;
    super.addRecordData(recordData, idx);
    // make lazy later
    if (idx === undefined) {
      idx = this.currentState.length;
    this.currentState.splice(idx, 0, recordData);
    // TODO Igor consider making direct to remove the indirection
    // We are not lazily accessing the manyArray here because the change is coming from app side
    // this.manyArray.flushCanonical(this.currentState);
github emberjs / data / packages / debug / addon / setup.js View on Github external
const StoreTypesMap = new WeakMap();

export function typesMapFor(store) {
  let typesMap = StoreTypesMap.get(store);

  if (typesMap === undefined) {
    typesMap = new Map();
    StoreTypesMap.set(store, typesMap);

  return typesMap;

// override _createRecordData to add the known models to the typesMap
const __createRecordData = Store.prototype._createRecordData;
Store.prototype._createRecordData = function(identifier) {
  const typesMap = typesMapFor(this);
  if (!typesMap.has(identifier.type)) {
    typesMap.set(identifier.type, false);
  return, identifier);

export default {
  name: '@ember-data/data-adapter',
  initialize() {},
github emberjs / data / packages / debug / addon / setup.js View on Github external
const StoreTypesMap = new WeakMap();

export function typesMapFor(store) {
  let typesMap = StoreTypesMap.get(store);

  if (typesMap === undefined) {
    typesMap = new Map();
    StoreTypesMap.set(store, typesMap);

  return typesMap;

// override _createRecordData to add the known models to the typesMap
const __createRecordData = Store.prototype._createRecordData;
Store.prototype._createRecordData = function(identifier) {
  const typesMap = typesMapFor(this);
  if (!typesMap.has(identifier.type)) {
    typesMap.set(identifier.type, false);
  return, identifier);

export default {
  name: '@ember-data/data-adapter',
  initialize() {},
github hashicorp / vault / ui / app / services / store.js View on Github external

export function keyForCache(query) {
  /*eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "ignoreRestSiblings": true }]*/
  // we want to ignore size, page, responsePath, and pageFilter in the cacheKey
  const { size, page, responsePath, pageFilter, ...queryForCache } = query;
  const cacheKeyObject = Object.keys(queryForCache)
    .reduce((result, key) => {
      result[key] = queryForCache[key];
      return result;
    }, {});
  return JSON.stringify(cacheKeyObject);

export default Store.extend({
  // this is a map of map that stores the caches
  lazyCaches: computed(function() {
    return new Map();

  setLazyCacheForModel(modelName, key, value) {
    const cacheKey = keyForCache(key);
    const cache = this.lazyCacheForModel(modelName) || new Map();
    cache.set(cacheKey, value);
    const lazyCaches = this.lazyCaches;
    const modelKey = normalizeModelName(modelName);
    lazyCaches.set(modelKey, cache);

  getLazyCacheForModel(modelName, key) {
    const cacheKey = keyForCache(key);
github emberjs / data / packages / model / addon / -private / system / promise-belongs-to.js View on Github external
 @module @ember-data/model

  A PromiseBelongsTo is a PromiseObject that also proxies certain method calls
  to the underlying belongsTo model.
  Right now we proxy:

    * `reload()`

  @class PromiseBelongsTo
  @extends PromiseObject
const PromiseBelongsTo = PromiseObject.extend({
  // we don't proxy meta because we would need to proxy it to the relationship state container
  //  however, meta on relationships does not trigger change notifications.
  //  if you need relationship meta, you should do `record.belongsTo(relationshipName).meta()`
  meta: computed(function() {
      'You attempted to access meta on the promise for the async belongsTo relationship ' +
        `${this.get('_belongsToState').modelName}:${this.get('_belongsToState').key}'.` +
        '\nUse `record.belongsTo(relationshipName).meta()` instead.',

  reload(options) {
    assert('You are trying to reload an async belongsTo before it has been created', this.get('content') !== undefined);
    let { key, store, originatingInternalModel } = this._belongsToState;
    return store.reloadBelongsTo(this, originatingInternalModel, key, options).then(() => this);
github emberjs / data / packages / model / addon / -private / model.js View on Github external
store.findRecord('model', 1).then(function(model) {
      model.get('id'); // '1'

    @property id
    @type {String}

    @property currentState
    @type {Object}
  currentState: RootState.empty, // defined here to avoid triggering setUnknownProperty

   @property _internalModel
   @type {Object}
  _internalModel: null, // defined here to avoid triggering setUnknownProperty

   @property recordData
   @type undefined (reserved)
  // will be defined here to avoid triggering setUnknownProperty

github emberjs / data / packages / model / addon / -private / system / many-array.js View on Github external
flushCanonical(toSet, isInitialized = true) {
    // It’s possible the parent side of the relationship may have been unloaded by this point
    if (!_objectIsAlive(this)) {
    // diff to find changes
    let diff = diffArray(this.currentState, toSet);
    if (diff.firstChangeIndex !== null) {
      // it's null if no change found
      // we found a change
      this.arrayContentWillChange(diff.firstChangeIndex, diff.removedCount, diff.addedCount);
      this.set('length', toSet.length);
      this.currentState = toSet.slice();
      this.arrayContentDidChange(diff.firstChangeIndex, diff.removedCount, diff.addedCount);
      if (isInitialized && diff.addedCount > 0) {
        //notify only on additions
        //TODO only notify if unloaded
github emberjs / data / packages / model / addon / -private / system / many-array.js View on Github external
flushCanonical(toSet, isInitialized = true) {
    // It’s possible the parent side of the relationship may have been unloaded by this point
    if (!_objectIsAlive(this)) {
    // diff to find changes
    let diff = diffArray(this.currentState, toSet);
    if (diff.firstChangeIndex !== null) {
      // it's null if no change found
      // we found a change
      this.arrayContentWillChange(diff.firstChangeIndex, diff.removedCount, diff.addedCount);
      this.set('length', toSet.length);
      this.currentState = toSet.slice();
      this.arrayContentDidChange(diff.firstChangeIndex, diff.removedCount, diff.addedCount);
      if (isInitialized && diff.addedCount > 0) {
        //notify only on additions
        //TODO only notify if unloaded