How to use @electron-forge/async-ora - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @electron-forge/async-ora examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / plugin / compile / src / lib / compile-hook.ts View on Github external
export const createCompileHook = (originalDir: string) => async (_: any, buildPath: string) => {
  await asyncOra('Compiling Application', async () => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require, global-require
    const compileCLI = require(path.resolve(originalDir, 'node_modules/electron-compile/lib/cli.js'));

    async function compileAndShim(appDir: string) {
      for (const entry of await fs.readdir(appDir)) {
        if (!entry.match(/^(node_modules|bower_components)$/)) {
          const fullPath = path.join(appDir, entry);

          if ((await fs.stat(fullPath)).isDirectory()) {
            const { log } = console;
            console.log = () => {};
            await compileCLI.main(appDir, [fullPath]);
            console.log = log;
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / import.ts View on Github external
export default async ({
  dir = process.cwd(),
  interactive = false,
}: ImportOptions) => {
  const calculatedOutDir = outDir || 'out';
  asyncOra.interactive = interactive;

  d(`Attempting to import project in: ${dir}`);
  if (!await fs.pathExists(dir) || !await fs.pathExists(path.resolve(dir, 'package.json'))) {
    throw new Error(`We couldn't find a project in: ${dir}`);

  // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
  if (typeof confirmImport === 'function') {
    if (!await confirmImport()) {

  await initGit(dir);

  const importDeps = ([] as string[]).concat(deps);
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / publisher / bitbucket / src / PublisherBitbucket.ts View on Github external
if (!auth.appPassword || !auth.username) {
      throw new Error('In order to publish to Bitbucket provide credentials, either through "auth.appPassword" and "auth.username" properties in your Forge config or using BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD and BITBUCKET_USERNAME environment variables');

    for (const [index, makeResult] of makeResults.entries()) {
      const data = new FormData();

      for (const artifactPath of makeResult.artifacts) {
        data.append('files', fs.createReadStream(artifactPath));

      // If we are not supposed to override an existing version, we'll check check if any of
      // the files exist first
      if (!replaceExistingFiles) {
        await asyncOra('Checking if artifacts have been published previously', async () => {
          for (const artifactPath of makeResult.artifacts) {
            const fileName = path.basename(artifactPath);

            const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}/${fileName}`, {
              headers: {
                Authorization: `Basic ${encodedUserAndPass}`,
              method: 'HEAD',
              // We set redirect to 'manual' so that we get the 302 redirects if the file
              // already exists
              redirect: 'manual',

            if (response.status === 302) {
              throw new Error(`Unable to publish "${fileName}" as it has been published previously. Use the "replaceExistingFiles" property in your Forge config to override this.`);
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / install.ts View on Github external
export default async ({
  interactive = false,
  prerelease = false,
}: InstallOptions) => {
  asyncOra.interactive = interactive;

  if (typeof chooseAsset !== 'function') {
    throw new Error('Expected chooseAsset to be a function in install call');

  let latestRelease!: Release;
  let possibleAssets: Asset[] = [];

  await asyncOra('Searching for Application', async (searchSpinner) => {
    if (!repo || !repo.includes('/')) {
      throw new Error('Invalid repository name, must be in the format owner/name');

    d('searching for repo:', repo);
    let releases!: Release[];
    try {
      releases = await (await fetch(`${GITHUB_API}/repos/${repo}/releases`)).json();
    } catch (err) {
      // Ignore error

    if (!releases || (releases as any).message === 'Not Found' || !Array.isArray(releases)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to find releases for repository "${repo}".  Please check the name and try again.`);
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / init.ts View on Github external
asyncOra.interactive = interactive;

  d(`Initializing in: ${dir}`);

  await initDirectory(dir, force);
  await initGit(dir);
  const templateModule = await findTemplate(dir, template);

  if (typeof templateModule.initializeTemplate === 'function') {
    await templateModule.initializeTemplate(dir, { copyCIFiles });
    const packageJSON = await readRawPackageJson(dir);
    await fs.writeJson(path.join(dir, 'package.json'), packageJSON, { spaces: 2 });

  await asyncOra('Installing Template Dependencies', async () => {
    d('installing dependencies');
    await installDepList(dir, templateModule.dependencies || []);
    d('installing devDependencies');
    await installDepList(dir, templateModule.devDependencies || [], DepType.DEV);

  await initNPM(dir);
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / init.ts View on Github external
export default async ({
  dir = process.cwd(),
  interactive = false,
  copyCIFiles = false,
  force = false,
  template = 'base',
}: InitOptions) => {
  asyncOra.interactive = interactive;

  d(`Initializing in: ${dir}`);

  await initDirectory(dir, force);
  await initGit(dir);
  const templateModule = await findTemplate(dir, template);

  if (typeof templateModule.initializeTemplate === 'function') {
    await templateModule.initializeTemplate(dir, { copyCIFiles });
    const packageJSON = await readRawPackageJson(dir);
    await fs.writeJson(path.join(dir, 'package.json'), packageJSON, { spaces: 2 });

  await asyncOra('Installing Template Dependencies', async () => {
    d('installing dependencies');
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / import.ts View on Github external
await updatePackageScript('start', 'electron-forge start');
  await updatePackageScript('package', 'electron-forge package');
  await updatePackageScript('make', 'electron-forge make');

  d('forgified scripts object:', packageJSON.scripts);

  const writeChanges = async () => {
    await asyncOra('Writing modified package.json file', async () => {
      await fs.writeJson(path.resolve(dir, 'package.json'), packageJSON, { spaces: 2 });

  await writeChanges();

  await asyncOra('Installing dependencies', async () => {
    d('deleting old dependencies forcefully');
    await fs.remove(path.resolve(dir, 'node_modules/.bin/electron'));
    await fs.remove(path.resolve(dir, 'node_modules/.bin/electron.cmd'));

    d('installing dependencies');
    await installDepList(dir, importDeps);

    d('installing devDependencies');
    await installDepList(dir, importDevDeps, DepType.DEV);

    d('installing exactDevDependencies');
    await installDepList(dir, importExactDevDeps, DepType.DEV, DepVersionRestriction.EXACT);

  packageJSON = await readRawPackageJson(dir);
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / template / webpack / src / WebpackTemplate.ts View on Github external
mainConfig: './webpack.main.config.js',
          renderer: {
            config: './webpack.renderer.config.js',
            entryPoints: [{
              html: './src/index.html',
              js: './src/renderer.js',
              name: 'main_window',
      await fs.writeJson(pjPath, currentPJ, {
        spaces: 2,
    await asyncOra('Setting up webpack configuration', async () => {
      await this.copyTemplateFile(directory, 'webpack.main.config.js');
      await this.copyTemplateFile(directory, 'webpack.renderer.config.js');
      await this.copyTemplateFile(directory, 'webpack.rules.js');
      await this.copyTemplateFile(path.join(directory, 'src'), 'renderer.js');

      await this.updateFileByLine(path.resolve(directory, 'src', 'index.js'), (line) => {
        if (line.includes('mainWindow.loadFile')) return '  mainWindow.loadURL(MAIN_WINDOW_WEBPACK_ENTRY);';
        return line;
      }, path.resolve(directory, 'src', 'main.js'));

      await this.updateFileByLine(path.resolve(directory, 'src', 'index.html'), (line) => {
        if (line.includes('link rel="stylesheet"')) return '';
        return line;
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / publisher / s3 / src / PublisherS3.ts View on Github external
const s3Client = new S3({
      accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId || process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
      secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey || process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,

    if (!s3Client.config.credentials || !config.bucket) {
      throw new Error('In order to publish to s3 you must set the "s3.accessKeyId", "process.env.ELECTRON_FORGE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" and "s3.bucket" properties in your Forge config. See the docs for more info');

    d('creating s3 client with options:', config);

    let uploaded = 0;
    const spinnerText = () => `Uploading Artifacts ${uploaded}/${artifacts.length}`;

    await asyncOra(spinnerText(), async (uploadSpinner) => {
      await Promise.all( (artifact) => {
        const uploader = s3Client.upload({
          Body: fs.createReadStream(artifact.path),
          Bucket: config.bucket,
          Key: this.keyForArtifact(artifact),
          ACL: config.public ? 'public-read' : 'private',
        } as S3.PutObjectRequest);
        d('uploading:', artifact.path);

        uploader.on('httpUploadProgress', (progress) => {
          const p = `${Math.round((progress.loaded / * 100)}%`;
          d(`Upload Progress (${path.basename(artifact.path)}) ${p}`);

        await uploader.promise();
        uploaded += 1;
github electron-userland / electron-forge / packages / api / core / src / api / start.ts View on Github external
}) as NodeJS.ProcessEnv,

    if (runAsNode) {
      spawnOpts.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE = 'true';
    } else {
      delete spawnOpts.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE;

    if (inspect) {
      args = ['--inspect' as (string|number)].concat(args);

    let spawned!: ElectronProcess;

    await asyncOra('Launching Application', async () => {
      spawned = spawn(
        prefixArgs.concat([appPath]).concat(args as string[]),
        spawnOpts as SpawnOptions,
      ) as ElectronProcess;

    await runHook(forgeConfig, 'postStart', spawned);
    return spawned;


A helper utility for wrapping async functions in an ora

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