How to use the @effectful/ function in @effectful/es-persist-serialization

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @effectful/es-persist-serialization examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github awto / effectfuljs / samples / persist-boxes / state.js View on Github external
export async function* saveLocal(input) {
  if (!(await R.managed)) {
    yield* input;
  try {
    const init = localStorage.getItem("boxes");
    if (init) {
      const state =;
      R.context().running = state.running;
      await R.abort;
  } catch (e) {}
  for await (const i of addFlush(input)) {
    yield i;
    if (i.type === "DELETE" || i.type === "DONE") {
      let frame;
      const resume = await R.idle;
      if (resume && resume.resume) {
        frame = R.write({ running: R.context().running, resume });
        localStorage.setItem("boxes", JSON.stringify(frame));
github awto / effectfuljs / samples / persist-counters / state.js View on Github external
export async function load(from, param) {
  if (!from) return;
  const state =;
  R.context().running = state.running;
  await R.abort;