How to use the @dcloudio/uni-cli-shared/lib/cache.getJsonFileMap function in @dcloudio/uni-cli-shared

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @dcloudio/uni-cli-shared examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dcloudio / uni-app / packages / webpack-uni-mp-loader / lib / plugin / generate-json.js View on Github external
function analyzeUsingComponents () {
  if (!process.env.UNI_OPT_SUBPACKAGES) {
  const pageSet = getPageSet()
  const jsonFileMap = getJsonFileMap()

  // 生成所有组件引用关系
  for (let name of jsonFileMap.keys()) {
    const jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonFileMap.get(name))
    const usingComponents = jsonObj.usingComponents
    if (!usingComponents || !pageSet.has(name)) {
    // usingComponentsMap[name] = {}

    Object.keys(usingComponents).forEach(componentName => {
      const componentPath = usingComponents[componentName].slice(1)
      if (!usingComponentsMap[componentPath]) {
        usingComponentsMap[componentPath] = new Set()