How to use the @cumulus/common/util.sleep function in @cumulus/common

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @cumulus/common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nasa / cumulus / packages / integration-tests / index.js View on Github external
async function waitForTestExecutionStart({
  maxWaitSeconds = maxWaitForStartedExecutionSecs
}) {
  let timeWaitedSecs = 0;
  /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
  while (timeWaitedSecs < maxWaitSeconds) {
    await sleep(waitPeriodMs);
    timeWaitedSecs += (waitPeriodMs / 1000);
    const executions = await getExecutions(workflowName, stackName, bucket);

    for (let executionCtr = 0; executionCtr < executions.length; executionCtr += 1) {
      const execution = executions[executionCtr];
      let taskInput = await lambdaStep.getStepInput(execution.executionArn, startTask);
      if (taskInput) {
        taskInput = await pullStepFunctionEvent(taskInput);
      if (taskInput && findExecutionFn(taskInput, findExecutionFnParams)) {
        return execution;
  /* eslint-enable no-await-in-loop */
  throw new Error('Never found started workflow.');
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / parallel / helloWorld / HelloWorldKesCmaECSServiceAutoScalingSpec.js View on Github external
it('performs ECS Service Autoscaling', async () => {
    // wait for the event messages
    await sleep(180 * 1000);
    const { cluster, service } = await getEcsClusterService(awsConfig.stackName, 'EcsTaskHelloWorldKesCma');
    console.log('getEcsServiceEvents', cluster, service, startTime);
    const serviceEvents = await getEcsServiceEvents(cluster, service, startTime);
    expect(serviceEvents.filter((event) => event.message.includes('has started 1 tasks')).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
    expect(serviceEvents.filter((event) => event.message.includes('has stopped 1 running tasks')).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / scaling / ec2EcsScalingSpec.js View on Github external
async function getNewScalingActivity() {
  const params = {
    AutoScalingGroupName: autoScalingGroupName,
    MaxRecords: 1
  let activities = await autoscaling().describeScalingActivities(params).promise();
  const startingActivity = activities.Activities[0];
  let mostRecentActivity = Object.assign({}, startingActivity);
  /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
  while (startingActivity.ActivityId === mostRecentActivity.ActivityId) {
    activities = await autoscaling().describeScalingActivities(params).promise();
    mostRecentActivity = activities.Activities[0];
    console.log(`No new activity found. Sleeping for ${waitPeriod / 1000} seconds.`);
    await sleep(waitPeriod);
  /* eslint-enable no-await-in-loop */

  return mostRecentActivity;
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / helpers / kinesisHelpers.js View on Github external
async function waitForAllTestSf(recordIdentifier, workflowName, maxWaitTimeSecs, numExecutions, firstStep) {
  const config = await loadConfig();

  let timeWaitedSecs = 0;
  const workflowExecutions = [];
  const startTime = moment();

  /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
  while (timeWaitedSecs < maxWaitTimeSecs && workflowExecutions.length < numExecutions) {
    await sleep(waitPeriodMs);
    timeWaitedSecs = (moment.duration(moment().diff(startTime)).asSeconds());
    const executions = await getExecutions(workflowName, config.stackName, config.bucket, maxExecutionResults);
    // Search all recent executions for target recordIdentifier
    for (let ctr = 0; ctr < executions.length; ctr += 1) {
      const execution = executions[ctr];
      if (!workflowExecutions.find((e) => e.executionArn === execution.executionArn)) {
        const taskInput = await lambdaStep.getStepInput(execution.executionArn, firstStep);
        if (taskInput !== null && taskInput.payload.identifier === recordIdentifier) {
          if (workflowExecutions.length === numExecutions) {
github nasa / cumulus / packages / integration-tests / index.js View on Github external
async function waitForAsyncOperationStatus({
  retries = 10
}) {
  const { Item } = await dynamodb().getItem({
    Key: { id: { S: id } }

  if (Item.status.S === status || retries <= 0) return Item;

  await sleep(2000);
  return waitForAsyncOperationStatus({
    retries: retries - 1
github nasa / cumulus / packages / integration-tests / cmr.js View on Github external
const waitForCmrToBeConsistent = () => sleep(ONE_SECOND);
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / helpers / kinesisHelpers.js View on Github external
async function waitForActiveStream(streamName, initialDelaySecs = 10, maxRetries = 10) {
  const kinesis = new Kinesis({ apiVersion: '2013-12-02', region: getRegion() });

  let streamStatus = 'UNDEFINED';
  let stream;
  const displayName = streamName.split('-').pop();

  await sleep(initialDelaySecs * 1000);

  return pRetry(
    async () => {
      stream = await kinesis.describeStream({ StreamName: streamName }).promise();
      streamStatus = stream.StreamDescription.StreamStatus;
      if (streamStatus === 'ACTIVE') return streamStatus;
      throw new Error(`Stream never became active:  status: ${streamStatus}: ${streamName}`);
      minTimeout: 3 * 1000,
      factor: 1.45,
      retries: maxRetries,
      onFailedAttempt: (error) => {
        console.log(`Stream in state ${streamStatus} retrying. ${error.attemptsLeft} remain on ${displayName} at ${new Date().toString()}`);
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / scaling / ec2EcsScalingSpec.js View on Github external
it('can handle the load (has the expected number of running tasks)', async () => {
      const stats = await getClusterStats(config.stackName);
      console.log(`stats are ${JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)}\n`);
      console.log(`numExecutions ${numExecutions}\n`);
      console.log(`numActivityTasks ${numActivityTasks}\n`);
      const runningEC2TasksCount = parseInt(find(stats, ['name', 'runningEC2TasksCount']).value);
      const pendingEC2TasksCount = parseInt(find(stats, ['name', 'pendingEC2TasksCount']).value);
      expect(runningEC2TasksCount + pendingEC2TasksCount).toEqual(numExecutions + numActivityTasks);
github nasa / cumulus / packages / deployment / lib / kes.js View on Github external
async redeployApiGateWay(name, restApiId, stageName) {
    const waitTime = 20;
    if (restApiId) {
      try {
        const apigateway = new this.AWS.APIGateway();
        await apigateway.createDeployment({ restApiId, stageName }).promise();
        console.log(`${name} endpoints with the id ${restApiId} redeployed.`);
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.message && e.message.includes('Too Many Requests')) {
            `Redeploying ${restApiId} was throttled. `
            + `Another attempt will be made in ${waitTime} seconds`
          await sleep(waitTime * 1000);
          return this.redeployApiGateWay(name, restApiId, stageName);
        throw e;
    return true;
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / helpers / kinesisHelpers.js View on Github external
async function getRecords(shardIterator, records = []) {
  const kinesis = new Kinesis({ apiVersion: '2013-12-02', region: getRegion() });
  const data = await kinesis.getRecords({ ShardIterator: shardIterator }).promise();
  if ((data.NextShardIterator !== null) && (data.MillisBehindLatest > 0)) {
    await sleep(waitPeriodMs);
    return getRecords(data.NextShardIterator, records);
  return records;