How to use @commercetools-frontend/url-utils - 4 common examples

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few @commercetools-frontend/url-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github commercetools / merchant-center-application-kit / packages / application-shell / src / components / login-sso / login-sso.js View on Github external

        // Quick note: we assume that the authorization endpoint is /authorize
        // This endpoint name is not mandatory. However, it is used as a common
        // practice throughout the OIDC specification.
        // We might have to let customers set a custom endpoint in the future.
        const params = querystring.stringify({
          scope: 'openid email profile',
          response_type: 'id_token',
          client_id: authProvider.clientId,
          redirect_uri: trimLeadingAndTrailingSlashes(
            // Avoid providing query parameters as some IdP (e.g. Azure) apparently
            // will consider the full URL to match as part of the callback whitelist.
            // Instead, we store additional information within the `nonce` value
            // which is stored in sessionStorage. See `generateAndCacheNonceWithState`.
            joinPaths(originUrl, this.props.match.url, `callback`)
          nonce: generateAndCacheNonceWithState({
            organizationId: authProvider.organizationId,
      error => {
github commercetools / merchant-center-application-kit / packages / application-shell / src / components / login-sso / login-sso.js View on Github external
authProvider => {

        // Quick note: we assume that the authorization endpoint is /authorize
        // This endpoint name is not mandatory. However, it is used as a common
        // practice throughout the OIDC specification.
        // We might have to let customers set a custom endpoint in the future.
        const params = querystring.stringify({
          scope: 'openid email profile',
          response_type: 'id_token',
          client_id: authProvider.clientId,
          redirect_uri: trimLeadingAndTrailingSlashes(
            // Avoid providing query parameters as some IdP (e.g. Azure) apparently
            // will consider the full URL to match as part of the callback whitelist.
            // Instead, we store additional information within the `nonce` value
            // which is stored in sessionStorage. See `generateAndCacheNonceWithState`.
            joinPaths(originUrl, this.props.match.url, `callback`)
          nonce: generateAndCacheNonceWithState({
            organizationId: authProvider.organizationId,
      error => {


Utility functions to work with URLs

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